Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 3x07 — Civil Defense


A trapped crew fights to save the station from self-destruction when an automated Cardassian security program is accidentally activated.

Filler rating: partial filler

This episode further reinforces that Dukat and Garak are enemies and provides more evidence for Garak's formerly high status among Cardassian society.

Remarkable scenes

  • O'Brien accidentally triggering Gul Dukat's security program.
  • Quark: "You mean I'm stuck here with you?" Odo: "No. I'm stuck here with you!"
  • Garak appearing on ops, passing through forcefields freely.
  • Odo telling Quark he's the most devious Ferengi he's ever met and Quark thanking him for the compliment.
  • The computer replicating phasers set to kill and shooting at everyone in ops!
  • Dukat showing up. I love how the phaser shoots around him.
  • Dukat using the replicator. It gives him red leaf tea, then rereplicates the phaser! Hahaha!
  • Dukat and Garak insulting each other.
  • Dukat triggering another automated program featuring a recording from one of his superiors, condemning him for his cowardice.
  • Jake saving O'Brien.
  • The reactor overload being absorbed by the shields. Cool effect.
  • Odo naming several Ferengi he knows to be more clever than Quark in the final scene, to get under his skin. Rom is among them!
  • Rules of Acquisition; 75. Home is where the heart is, but the stars are made of latinum.


An automated security program with many, many surprises. This is a very memorable episode. Garak and Dukat's scenes are simply classic and the danger is very realistic. The curious circumstantial alliance between Dukat and the main cast was fun to watch. It may be considered a cliche to keep making Dukat an ally, but in my opinion every time they do it it's done right. The climax of the episode is very nice. I love how Jake saves O'Brien's life and Sisko saves the station. An action packed, fun episode to watch which makes excellent use of a broad set of characters.