Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 3x04 — Equilibrium


A deadly secret from Dax's past could mean the end of Jadzia's life.

Filler rating: not filler

This episode establishes the existence of Joran, the implications of which will have important repercussions later.

Remarkable scenes

  • Sisko's home-cooked dinner. I am particularly fond of Odo's behavior.
  • Jadzia skillfully playing the piano out of nowhere.
  • Jadzia getting pissed at Sisko and Kira.
  • The Trill Guardian.
  • Sisko discovering that Joran held the Dax symbiont.
  • Dax: "If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been.'
  • Dax playing the piano in the end.


This episode opens with funny Dax behavior and initially comes across as being another DS9: Dramatis Personae, maybe with a little DS9: Dax mixed into it as the episode develops. Instead, it ends up being one of the better Dax character development episodes. This episode also reveals a Trill coverup, that almost any Trill can be joined with a symbiont. This could actually go a long way toward explaining away a few of the inconsistencies in TNG: The Host. Perhaps any species may join with a Trill symbiont after all. Obviously, this episode doesn't explain away all those problems, but it helps. Overall, I'm satisfied with this episode at large.