Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 3x26 — The Adversary


One of Odo's people tricks Sisko and the crew into actions that could start a devastating war in the Alpha Quadrant.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • Sisko promoted to captain! Cool!
  • Two Bashirs.
  • Computer: "Auto-destruct in seven minutes." Sisko, regarding the repairs: "Just tell me how long it will take." O'Brien: "Well I guess it will have to be less than seven minutes won't it?"
  • Odo killing the changeling.
  • Odo reciting the changeling's last words: "You're too late. We're everywhere."


Commence hidden changelings everywhere stories. The finale of season 3 isn't the big Dominion confrontation we expected, but is at least a natural progression for the story. Though it left me somewhat underwhelmed. Remarkably Odo kills a changeling. "No changeling has ever harmed another" isn't quite true anymore, and this action will certainly have serious repercussions for him later on. As O'Brien said, "finally" with regards to Sisko being promoted to captain. It was also nice to see the Defiant's engine room for the first time. Other than these details, there is little to redeem this remarkably average episode as a season finale.