Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 3x25 — Facets


Jadzia Dax must come to terms with her feelings of inferiority when she meets her past hosts in an ancient Trill rite of closure.

Filler rating: partial filler

Strictly speaking this episode isn't a must-see from a continuity perspective, but it adds some terrific texture for Dax' character and advances the Nog/Starfleet plot a bit as well.

Remarkable scenes

  • Nog's simulation in the beginning. I like Jake knocking on the windshield of the runabout while it's at warp.
  • Odo's proof that he "keeps tabs" on everyone by describing what Bashir ate for breakfast.
  • Quark unknowingly agreeing to embody one of Dax's female hosts.
  • Kira as Leela. Visitor did a great job acting like the wise old Leela.
  • O'Brien as Toban.
  • Quark as one of Jadzia's very feminine hosts.
  • Sisko as Joran. He was the perfect choice because Sisko can be so evil at times!
  • Odo as Curzon!
  • Curzon / Odo spooking Quark.
  • Rom getting pissed at Quark and threatening him for sabotaging the holosuites so that Nog would fail the test.
  • Morn Appearances; 1. At the bar when Quark and Rom talk about Nog and Rom reveals his uniform. 2. At the bar still when Curzon and Sisko enter. 3. Sits down at the bar when Nog orders a root beer sporting his new uniform.


Dax gets to meet all her previous hosts! Cool! I like this episode for many reasons, but mostly because the sheer idea behind it is just cool. And Odo-Curzon, er, Curzon-Odo, er, Ozon, Curzdo, or Curzodo, whatever we call him was a lot of fun to watch. Odo and Curzon's desire to stay together is credibly presented. For a time in the episode, I almost wanted them to remain together. Half because finally being able to see the much discussed Curzon in action was fascinating, and half because the combination of Odo and Curzon was just so cool.