Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 3x24 — Shakaar


Sent to Bajor on a mission against her former leader in the resistance movement, Kira ends up joining him as a fugitive.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • I like the look on Kira's face when she realizes that Kai Winn's plans for Bajor, improved economy, joining the Federation, and whatnot actually made sense and that she's probably not up to no good for once this time.
  • Shakaar: "You cut your hair." Kira: "You let your's grow." Shakaar: "I liked you the old way." Kira: "I was thinking the same thing about you."
  • Furel discussing why he didn't replace his missing arm. Very moving.
  • O'Brien screwing Quark over with his injury.
  • Kira and Shakaar blackmailing Winn.
  • Morn Appearances; 1. Watches Dax and O'Brien play darts. 2. In the background when O'Brien dislocates his shoulder. 3. At the bar when Bashir enters "the zone."


Kai Winn to become First Minister of Bajor! Now there's twisted irony. I liked the continuity with DS9: Life Support. Kai Winn is doing exactly what they predicted she'd do. She's taking credit for Vedek Bareil's achievements and grabbing even more power. She's so deliciously nasty! Despite this, Kai Winn's goals were decidedly noble in this episode. She wanted Bajor's economy to grow and for Bajor to make preparations to join the Federation. Unfortunately, her methods leave much to be desired. Pissing off a bunch of your own people unnecessarily is a poor way to run a government. I like the way she is ousted from her position as First Minister and I like the B plot with O'Brien in "the zone." An enjoyable episode.