Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 3x23 — Family Business


Quark returns to his home planet to confront his mother, who has broken the Ferengi law prohibiting females from earning a profit.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • Kira: "You know at the rate we go through Runabouts, it's a good thing the Earth has so many rivers."
  • Dax to Sisko regarding Yates: "Let me put it this way. If I were Curzon, I'd have stolen her from you by now."
  • Quark and Brunt's reaction a dressed Ishka.
  • Bashir and O'Brien breaking into Quark's with Odo not particularly caring.
  • Sisko's first meeting with Yates.
  • Quark discovering the full extent of his mother's activities.
  • Rom yelling and Quark and Ishka.
  • Sisko and Yates discussing her brother's baseball activities.
  • Rom and Ishka discussing how she hid the bulk of her profits from both the FCA and Quark.
  • Morn Appearances; 1. At Quark's bar when Quark and Rom argue about Nog joining Starfleet.


Good continuity with the last episode, Jake is still trying to set Sisko up with this freighter captain Kassidy Yates. Jake is wise beyond his years, the match was made in heaven. She even likes baseball. :) I'm extremely fond of the Ferengi plot in this episode. The way Ferengi treat women in this episode is hilarious! A very successful satire, I must say. This episode is a fine example of how DS9 took the silly TNG Ferengi and molded them into one of the most loved species of all of Star Trek. This episode is just articulate in every way while maintaining a certain level of humor too. Very nice.