Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 3x22 — Explorers


Sisko builds a new version of an ancient Bajoran space vessel in an effort to prove the truth behind an 800-year-old legend.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • Bashir's message to Jadzia on the PADD: "GO AWAY"
  • Kira calling O'Brien a Cardassian and O'Brien calling Kira a Romulan.
  • Bashir and O'Brien drinking and singing together.
  • Ben and Jake's arrival in Cardassian space.
  • Morn Appearances; 1. Seen a couple of times in the first scene. 2. Seen with Quark just after the Lexington docks. 3. Observes as Bashir finally talks with Lense.


This is a very good episode if we overlook the technical issues regarding the ancient Bajoran starship. Frankly, if the writing was a little more careful, they could have avoided the technical problems easily. So in light of such a good episode, I'll just ignore these issues since it's just a matter of replacing a few throw away lines with a few other throw away lines anyway. It's nice to see Jake has finally decided what he wants to do with his life: be a writer. Also O'Brien gets drunk with Julian, proving their friendship has finally developed. Or at least that O'Brien definitely "no longer hates" Julian anymore. We also get to see Bashir's rival Dr. Elizabeth Lense, who took Bashir's rightful place as valedictorian at medical school, which is a nice novelty. Finally, watching Dukat eat crow and throw a celebration for Sisko was most amusing.