Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 3x02 — The Search, Part II


While Odo struggles to learn the ways of his people, Sisko discovers that the price of peace with the Dominion may be too high.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • Kira and Odo meeting the Founders.
  • Female shapeshifter: "The link is the very foundation of our society. It provides a meaning to our existence. It is a merging of form and thought; the sharing of idea and sensation."
  • Female shapeshifter: "To become a thing, is to know a thing. To assume its form is to begin to understand its existence."
  • Garak: "There's an old saying on Cardassia: Enemies make dangerous friends and I fear the Dominion will make a very dangerous friend indeed."
  • Sisko barging in on the Dominion negotiations.
  • Odo describing what it's like to be a bird.
  • Garak's conversation with Sisko.
  • Garak's crazy plan.
  • Garak's final words: "Doctor, I'm afraid I won't be able to have lunch with you today."
  • Female shapeshifter: "Major, the Changelings are the Dominion."
  • Female shapeshifter: "No changeling has ever harmed another."


Odo found his people! And they're the mysterious founders of the Dominion! Unfortunately, this episode features an annoying reset button, which as usual turns out to be a poor choice. The Dominion was in fact running test scenarios on real Federation crew members. Nevertheless, despite the "it was all a dream!" aspect, I enjoyed it anyway, especially the parts with Odo and the Founders, but then those parts were real! ;) I like how Odo uses his influence as a Changeling to get everyone freed. I also like the female shapeshifter's resolve, claiming she will not be so generous next time. I like the way the female shapeshifter justifies her conquests. She's "imposing order on a chaotic universe." I also like how she parallels her desire for order with Odo's desire for justice. As much as Odo would hate to admit it, he really is much like the Dominion. But he has none of their ethnocentrism, and believes that everyone was born equal. So he can't join the oppressive Dominion.