Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 3x15 — Destiny


Sisko ignores an ancient Bajoran prophecy of doom in order to undertake a joint scientific venture with the Cardassians.

Filler rating: partial filler

This episode provides some nice texture for the long term plots in the show, such as establishing more firmly Sisko's discomfort with being regarded as Emissary to the Prophets as well as detailing how communication through the wormhole became possible. However, none of these details are absolutely essential to DS9's long term plot.

Remarkable scenes

  • Odo: "It's been my experience that all humanoids have an agenda of some sort."
  • O'Brien's contentious dealings with the Cardassian scientist.
  • The Cardassian scientist hitting on O'Brien because she thought O'Brien desired her.
  • The Defiant firing on the comet.
  • The comet leaving a selithium trail through the wormhole so that communications could be possible.
  • Vedek Yarka describing another prophecy. If you've seen all of DS9, this will sounds strangely familiar! ;)
  • Rules of Acquisition; 34. War is good for business. 35. Peace is good for business.
  • Morn appearances; 1. Bashir mentions Morn came to the infirmary after drinking some of Quark's bad Kanar. He's not actually seen.


This episode nicely examines Sisko's refusal to accept his designation by the Bajoran people as Emissary. In fact, for the first time ever, I think he has finally begun to accept his title as Emissary, for he has seen a Bajoran prophecy come true before his eyes! Beyond this, this episode makes some nice progress with regards to the wormhole. It is now possible to communicate through it! An overall fine episode even though it's not spectacular.