Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 3x14 — Heart of Stone


A desperate situation that could cost Kira her life forces Odo to face the depth of his feelings for her.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • Odo brooding over a supposed faux pas Kira committed unknowingly.
  • Nog asking Sisko to help him join Starfleet.
  • Kira getting stuck in the crystal formation.
  • Quark to Rom: "Everything that goes wrong here is your fault. It says so in your contract!"
  • Jake thinking Nog is joking about wanting to join Starfleet.
  • Sisko and Dax giving Nog busywork to test his seriousness.
  • Kira and Odo discussing O'Brien's kayaking hobby.
  • Odo protecting Kira using himself as a giant shield.
  • Odo discussing the origins of his name, Odo Ital.
  • The female changeling revealing herself.
  • Rules of Acquisition; 18. A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all.


I like this one, as it appropriately explores the developing relationship between Kira and Odo. I like how Odo hides his feelings for Kira at the end of the episode. "Just a slip of the tongue, nothing important." This episode also nicely explores Rom and his son. Rom is a mechanical genius indeed. His hidden talents have surfaced a number of times, but he's weak in all the ways that make a successful Ferengi. Overall, I'm glad to see the Ferengi are being taken seriously in this episode and I enjoyed the rather complex character-driven plot.