Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 3x13 — Life Support


Bashir must use questionable methods in order to keep Vedek Bareil alive long enough to help bring about a Bajoran peace treaty with Cardassia.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • Bareil's death and return from the dead.
  • Nog being a chauvinist pig.
  • Bashir laying into Kai Winn.
  • Sisko encouraging Jake to make up with Nog.
  • Bashir: "The brain has a spark of life that can't be replicated."
  • Odo arresting Jake and Nog.
  • Nog: "I don't even know what a Tholian looks like!"
  • Jake and Nog making up.
  • Odo leaving Jake and Nog in the jail cell for a while.
  • Kira pleading with Bashir to keep Bareil alive by removing the rest of his brain and replacing it with a positronic matrix.


I have mixed feelings about this episode. Bareil's decision to sacrifice his life help Winn was frankly foolish, but was nicely symbolic in many ways. Bareil's death once again demonstrates his humility. He threw away his chance to become Kai, and now he throws away his life to help make peace with an enemy. Another good point is that Bareil's death frees Odo to pursue Kira. Another high point is once again Kai Winn is manipulating events. It's almost as if she had Bareil's death planned. Maybe she even sabotaged their ship! Okay, maybe that's a little paranoid. But man. Winn just exudes evil! Overall, I'm pleased with the episode, despite how annoyed I am with Bareil's behavior. An otherwise intelligent man throws his life away unnecessarily and a fun character is wasted prematurely.