Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 3x12 — Past Tense, Part II


Trapped in Earth's past, Sisko must assume the role of a pivotal historic figure in order to restore the future.

Filler rating: partial filler

There is a minor reference in a future episode (DS9: Little Green Men) that won't make sense unless you see this episode, but otherwise there's nothing essential here unless you're interested in some historical trivia about what the year 2024 was like in Star Trek's alternate history of Earth.

Remarkable scenes

  • Kira's disguise on her "Bajoran heritage."
  • Kira and O'Brien beaming into the 60s.
  • Jadzia's scene with the crazy guy, declaring she's an alien.
  • The chaos as the government attacks the Sanctuary.
  • Sisko's photo appearing in the historical records for Gabriel Bell.


The second part of the episode has a nice ending. I'm glad to see they handled Sisko's involvement in the past so eloquently. I'm also fond of the little surprise at the end to find Sisko's photo in the place of Gabriel Bell's. In the end, this episode was trying to make a point about American social policy. A paradise can easily become oppression if social programs put in place to help people are allowed to be corrupted. Maintaining true freedom takes constant vigilance. Overall, I'm usually very displeased with time travel stories in general, but this one avoided a lot of the common pitfalls. Overall a fine two parter if not terribly profound.