Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 3x10 — Fascination


A Bajoran celebration on the station serves as the backdrop for an epidemic of inexplicable romantic attractions among the crew.

Filler rating: partial filler

This episode furthers several smaller arcs on DS9. Lwaxana's relationship with Odo evolves, Odo's love for Kira is more firmly established, O'Brien's relationship with Keiko evolves, and this is the last time we see Bareil before his untimely death. None of this is essential though unless you watched DS9: The Forsaken and you want to continue the Lwaxana/Odo arc.

Remarkable scenes

  • Keiko, having not had a good time on her trip back because of Lwaxana. :)
  • Keiko and O'Brien arguing.
  • Jake trying to seduce Kira!
  • Bareil trying to seduce Dax.
  • Jealous O'Brien.
  • Quark: "You hew-mons, you never learn. You let your women go out in public, hold jobs, wear clothing, and you wonder why your marriages fall apart!"
  • Jadzia seducing Sisko.
  • Kira and Bashir falling for each other.
  • The staff figuring out what's going on.
  • Bareil attacking Sisko and Sisko's response.
  • Quark trying to seduce Keiko.
  • Lwaxana seeing through Odo, noticing he's attracted to Kira.
  • Morn appearances; 1. Talking to Jadzia about his problems. (Never actually says anything onscreen.) 2. Seen behind a juggler while Quark is selling festival items at the promenade.


This is a successful humor episode, but in many ways comes across as far too silly. The issues between O'Brien and Keiko are only barely convincing. The story itself is acceptable, but the humor in the episode makes the whole endeavor between Keiko and O'Brien seem more silly than it should have been. I'm fond of the ending, where everything is "fixed" and made to be serious again, but personally, I would have preferred O'Brien and Keiko's meetup to be under completely different circumstances.