Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 3x01 — The Search, Part I


Hoping to avert an invasion, Sisko takes his officers into the Gamma Quadrant on a dangerous mission to find the mysterious leaders of the Dominion.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • The Defiant!
  • Sisko: "I've brought back a little surprise for the Dominion!"
  • Sisko: "Officially, it's Defiant is classified as an escort vessel. Unofficially, the Defiant's a warship, nothing more, nothing less." Kira: "I thought Starfleet didn't believe in warships." Sisko: "Desperate times bring desperate measures. Five years ago, Starfleet began exploring the possibility of building a new class of starship. This ship would have no families, no science labs, no luxuries of any kind. It was designed for one purpose only. To fight and defeat the Borg. The Defiant was a prototype. The first ship in what would have been a new Federation battle fleet." Dax: "So what happened?" Sisko: "The Borg threat became less urgent. Also some design flaws crept up during the ship's shakedown cruise. So Starfleet decided to abandon the project." O'Brien: "What sort of design flaws?" Sisko: "You'll have complete access to the ship evaluation reports. But to put it simply it's overgunned and overpowered for a ship its size. During battle drills, it nearly tore itself apart when the engines were tested at full capacity."
  • Odo getting pissed about the Starfleet security officer "stealing" his job.
  • Quark: "I'm a little confused, Commander. You want me to go with you to the Gamma Quadrant to help you locate the founders?" Sisko: "See? It's not so confusing after all." Quark: "You're joking with me aren't you, you're having a little fun with Quark."
  • Bashir lamenting about the terrible medical facilities.
  • Odo getting angry at Quark before reverting to his liquid state.
  • Sisko leaving Dax and O'Brien behind.
  • Odo describing his "return home" instinct.
  • The Defiant blowing up a Jem'Hadar ship.
  • Odo meeting his people.


Holy crap! The Defiant is awesome. I love the idea that the Federation secretly developed a warship due to the Borg threat. I like the continuity reference to DS9: Rules of Acquisition regarding Quark's dealings with Dominion member races. It makes a great excuse to bring Quark along to pester Odo. ;) They do a very good job showing us how "unusual" Dominion technology is and how secretive they like to be, what with all the implied oppression in the Gamma Quadrant. I love how Odo finally goes on a personal quest trying to find his origins. This episode covers a lot! And does it well. A fantastic episode to begin the season with.