Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 2x09 — Second Sight


Sisko falls in love for the first time since his wife's death, but the object of his affections may not be all that she seems.

Filler rating: bad filler

Unless you consider blatantly defying the continuity of the even worse episode TNG: Force of Nature to be worthwhile, this rather lame episode is thoroughly skippable.

Remarkable scenes

  • Sisko's odd behavior the next morning in ops.
  • I love Seyetik's cheerful arrogance.
  • Sisko's conversation with Odo about his phantom girl.
  • Sisko: "Seyetik is one of the Federation's greatest minds." Kira: "I know. He told me."
  • Seyetik's death. His final words: "Let there be light!"


This episode is certainly original, but in many ways annoying. Sisko's profound loss of his wife is exploited in an inappropriate and annoying way, and the much more interesting plot thread of reviving dead stars along with Seyetik's wonderful character are all thoroughly wasted in the process. I give it extra points for Seyetik's heroic end and all the coolness associated with it, but other than that, a disappointment.