Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 2x08 — Necessary Evil


An attack on Quark's life brings Odo face to face with a five-year-old unsolved murder for which Kira was a prime suspect.

Filler rating: partial filler

This episode is not strictly speaking a must-see, but it establishes a lot of nice texture that will become relevant later, such as the conditions of the station while Dukat was in charge, how Odo came to work there, how Kira met Odo, how Quark met Odo, how Dukat met Odo, and how Quark met Kira. It's also the first episode to mention Odo's "Cardassian neck trick."

Remarkable scenes

  • Odo: "Commence station security log Stardate 47282.5. At the request of commander Sisko, I will hereafter be recording a daily log of law enforcement affairs. The reason for this exercise is beyond my comprehension. Except perhaps that humans have a compulsion to keep records and lists and files. So many in fact that they have to invent new ways to store them microscopically. Otherwise their records would overrun all known civilization. My own very adequate memory not being good enough for Starfleet I am pleased to put my voice to this official record of this day: Everything's under control. End log."
  • Rom revealing some of his hidden talents.
  • Rules of Acquisition: 139. Wives serve. Brothers inherit.
  • Odo: "You're not as stupid as you look!" Rom: "I am too!"
  • Odo's first meeting with Dukat.
  • Odo's first meeting with Kira.
  • Odo's first meeting with Quark.
  • Dukat: "You're not afraid of anyone, are you shape shifter? Not even me! I was right about you. You are the man for this job."
  • Rom saving his brother's life by screaming.
  • The revelation that Kira was the murderer.
  • Morn appearances; I've read that Morn appears briefly here, but I couldn't find him in this one.


This episode features a wonderful history lesson; we get to see Terok Nor as it was during the occupation. And it features an old murder investigation which Odo can now solve. The whole plot is wonderfully interesting with multiple turning points and lots of intrigue. The title "Necessary Evil" is symbolic of Kira's deed (or perhaps all of her deeds) as a member of the underground. It may also represent Odo's collaboration with Dukat. Granted, Odo doesn't fit the strict definition of the collaborator. He wasn't gaining anything by working with Dukat, and he wouldn't have lost anything by refusing. Though Odo did walk the line between being for Bajor and being against Bajor, he was essentially in it for justice. All things considered, this is one of the most memorable episodes so far.