Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 2x07 — Rules of Acquisition


A Ferengi female who has defied the law and disguised herself as a male risks it all when she falls in love with Quark.

Filler rating: not filler

This is the first episode in the Dominion War arc, strangely enough. This is also the episode that establishes the role of women in Ferengi society.

Remarkable scenes

  • Rom describing how he likes his women: "Naked and submissive."
  • Zek "negotiating" with Sisko and Kira.
  • The revelation that Pel is a female Ferengi.
  • Zek smacking Kira on the ass!
  • Quark and Pel negotiating with the Dosi on Deep Space Nine.
  • Zek's gift for Kira. I love Kira's ensuing insults about the Ferengi.
  • Dax telling Pel about a supposed time when Quark recreated the bedroom she slept in as a child in the holosuite from memory of a conversation he overheard between Dax and Kira.
  • Dax discovering Pel a female.
  • Zek slapping Kira on the ass again!
  • Pel's reaction to being forced to sleep with Quark.
  • Zyree, the first to mention the Dominion.
  • Zek's reaction seeing Pel a female.
  • Rules of Acquisition: 21. Never place friendship above profit. 22. A wise man can hear profit in the wind. 33. It never hurts to suck up to the boss. 48. The bigger the smile the sharper the knife. 59. Free advice is seldom cheap. 67. The riskier the road the greater the profit. 103. Sleep can interfere with--(Pel is interrupted, we don't hear the rest. It might be "profit").
  • Morn appearances; 1. Odo catches him sleeping on the promenade. When awakened and told to "go home," he goes to see if Quark's is open! 2. In the background behind Quark, Rom, and Pel. 3. Can be seen just after Odo and Rom talk about brothers.


Another episode to feature another smashing performance by Wallace Shawn as Zek. He's so funny. Quark and Rom are excellent Ferengi characters too, but something about Zek just strikes me as great. Everything about his character is just perfect for his role. All the nuances and all the little details add up to a most remarkable character. Additionally, Pel's secret love for Quark makes for most remarkable story. The Dosi are interesting as well; the Gamma Quadrant equivalent of the Ferengi with unfortunately terrible makeup. They make mention of an ominous sounding thing called the Dominion, which is alluded to as a major power in the gamma quadrant. It's nice to see the inhabitants of the gamma quadrant finally fleshed out a bit. They've certainly been sitting at the edge of the wormhole long enough for us to finally map out the place somewhat.