Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 2x05 — Cardassians


A young Cardassian, orphaned in the war and raised by Bajorans, causes turmoil on the station when his people attempt to reclaim him.

Filler rating: partial filler

This episode establishes that Dukat and Garak are enemies. It also establishes Garak's remarkable computer skills. Finally, it's also the first episode to mention the station's original Cardassian name: Terok Nor.

Remarkable scenes

  • Garak to Bashir: "I'm no more a spy than you are--" Bashir: "A doctor?"
  • Garak's hysterical reaction when Bashir mentions what Dukat said to Sisko.
  • Bashir addressing Gul Dukat without permission.
  • Bashir asking Sisko for a runabout. I love Sisko's sarcastic reaction, since he's been down this road before with Kira. "Will one be enough?"
  • Garak's behavior at the Bajoran orphanage.
  • Bashir to Garak: "You know how to fix computers?" I love Bashir's tone of astonishment regarding learning about one of "plain and simple" Garak's unusual talents.
  • Bashir proving that Gul Dukat was manipulating events to his political advantage.


This is the second episode to feature a complex political plot involving Garak, a rare treasure. The episode is hardly exciting, but Garak's scenes certainly make up for any lack of interesting plot development. My favorite scenes are the ones where Bashir and Garak borrow a runabout to go to Bajor and then Garak's hilarious behavior at the orphanage. We learn a bit about Garak's relationship with Dukat in this episode, which is obviously strained. We don't learn why though, just that Garak really hates Dukat and that the feeling is most likely mutual. The thing that annoys me the most about this plot is how confused and ignorant the Cardassian boy was made to seem. It's as if he's too stupid to come to a rational decision. A decent, if a bit flawed an episode.