Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 2x04 — Invasive Procedures


The crew must fight for Jadzia's life when a desperate Trill takes the group hostage and steals the Dax symbiont.

Filler rating: good filler

There's no essential plot or exposition in this episode that renders it unskippable, but it's a decent episode, even though it could have been better.

Remarkable scenes

  • Quark regarding Rom: "He couldn't find a cup of water if you dropped him in a lake."
  • Bashir laying into the Klingon to help him try and save Jadzia's life.
  • Sisko reminiscing with the new Dax.
  • Quark faking his injury.
  • Quark cracking the lock on Odo's box cage.
  • Sisko shooting the new Dax.


This episode features a most remarkable guest star, a disgruntled Trill never given the chance to join with a symbiote. We learn many interesting things about Trill in this episode. Symbiote joinings are rare on Trill, due to the high standards of compatibility established by the Trill society. It's nice to see a guest bad guy who's so profoundly flawed and ultimately pathetic, especially as a counterpoint to last week's James Bond villain. It's also nice to see an episode like this, which is very violent by the necessity of the plot, end with zero loss of life. The final scene is tragic and you really feel sorry for Verad. Sure, he was an introverted, selfish sociopath, but all he wanted was to better himself. Something of that is sympathetic to me at least. The best part of this episode is how Sisko works so hard at reasoning with the bad guys. He does an excellent job too. I'm most fond of the scene just after Verad becomes Dax when Sisko reminisces with him. The whole episode was very nicely done.