Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 2x25 — Tribunal


O'Brien is arrested by the Cardassians and put on trial for a crime he insists he did not commit.

Filler rating: good filler

There's no essential plot or exposition in this episode that renders it unskippable, but it's a decent episode, even though it could have been better.

Remarkable scenes

  • O'Brien finding it difficult to leave the station.
  • Keiko appearance.
  • O'Brien's reaction to being captured by the Cardassians.
  • O'Brien's objections to the Cardassian legal system.
  • O'Brien to Odo regarding his capture: "They did some dental work that wasn't much fun"
  • Odo pestering Makbar at the trial.
  • Makbar laying into O'Brien for being a racist against Cardassians.
  • The abrupt change in the attitude of the Cardassian court when Sisko showed up with the Cardassian spy.


This episode was the much anticipated closer look at the Cardassian justice system. We've gotten tidbits of information about it since TNG: The Wounded and onward. This episode bears the most resemblance to TNG: Chain of Command. When O'Brien is first captured by the Cardassians, his treatment is nearly identical to how Picard was treated in that episode. Unfortunately, this trial is largely a waste of time. Sure, all the Orwellian references were kind of amusing, but it was also pretty heavy handed. After a while I was thinking to myself "yeah, yeah, I get it. Totalitarian dictatorship with show trials."