Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 2x24 — The Collaborator


Kira must investigate the man she loves when she learns he may be the Cardassian collaborator responsible for the massacre of 43 Bajorans.

Filler rating: not filler

The Kai election is decided in this episode.

Remarkable scenes

  • Kira insulting Vedek Winn.
  • Kira and Odo talking to the collaborator.
  • Vedek Winn's meeting with Sisko.
  • Kira and Odo waking in on Quark. Kira: "Don't be so defensive!" Quark: "I can't help it, between the two of you I'm developing a persecution complex!"
  • Rules of Acquisition; 285 (last rule). No good deed ever goes unpunished.


Vedek Winn manipulates Vedek Bareil to get him to withdraw his candidacy for the next Kai. An interesting idea, but drowns under the weight of slow plot development. The consequences are profound though, as it leads directly to Winn becoming Kai, which will surely lead to some interesting drama down the road.