Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 2x21 — The Maquis, Part II


Sisko and Gul Dukat join forces in an effort to avert a war between the Cardassians and a group of Federation colonists led by Sisko's old friend.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • Sisko's speech to Kira.
  • Sisko and Odo leaving Quark in jail.
  • Legate Parn regarding Gul Dukat being held by the Maquis pending execution: "What difference does it make whether we do it or they do it?"
  • Dukat ridiculing his interrogators.
  • Odo using his shape shifting abilities in battle.
  • Dukat describing the Cardassian legal system. Entertainment, not justice.
  • Kira: "With that kind of firepower, the Bajorans could have lost a full scale assault on Cardassia!" Dukat: "And lost."
  • Dukat scaring the wits out of the contraband freighter.
  • Sakonna: "I am a Vulcan. My emotional state is irrelevent." Quark: "Well I'm a Ferengi and my emotional state is very relevant."
  • Sakonna to Quark: "Do you propose to lecture me on logic?"
  • Quark's lecture about buying peace at a bargain price to Sakonna.
  • The space battle. Nice!
  • Rules of Acquisition; 3. Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to.


Nothing unexpected here. One notable detail is how Sisko saves Dukat's life. Must have been difficult for Sisko muster up the will to do that. Sisko working with Dukat was definitely surreal. Sisko's resolve remains strong, he is more willing to defend the Cardassians, the treaty, and the peace; turning on former Federation members, even his former friends, to accomplish this. I liked the way he balanced his loyalties and duties in this episode so perfectly. His actions were the perfect model for a Starfleet officer, in my opinion. Everything from his chats with Cal to his handling of Dukat was great. The climax was a lot of fun to watch, the space battle of unexpectedly high quality. I liked this second part better than the first part.