Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 2x20 — The Maquis, Part I


Sisko uncovers a Federation terrorist group whose actions could start another war with the Cardassians.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • Jadzia mentioning dating captain Boday, a Gallamite with a transparent skull.
  • Hudson and Sisko reminiscing.
  • Sakonna discussing a business proposition with Quark.
  • Dukat sitting in Sisko's quarters.
  • Kira's report on what Jake is doing.
  • The first sight of a Maquis vessel destroying Cardassian ships.
  • Quark's meal with Sakonna.
  • Sakonna: "I wish to procure weapons."
  • Quark's reaction to Sakonna's request for weapons.
  • Odo defending the security procedures of DS9 when it was Terok Nor.
  • Rules of Acquisition; 214. Never begin a business negotiation on an empty stomach.


I like the direct continuity with TNG: Journey's End, the previously aired episode. I'm fond of Sisko's attitude toward the Maquis. Sympathy, but ultimately regarding them as criminals and thinking they should be stopped at all costs. Hudson's involvement with the Maquis was un unsurprising twist, given how much not-so-subtle foreshadowing there was. Overall the political drama is subtle, nuanced, and realistic. This sort of ugliness is a not at all unexpected consequence of the Federation signing such a bad treaty. It's nice to see that the Native Americans from TNG: Journey's End aren't the only colonies that decided to ignore the resettlement provision and adding the element of rebellious militarism certainly enhances the drama.