Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 2x02 — The Circle


Relieved of her post and sent back to Bajor, Kira helps to reveal the hidden force behind The Circle and a greater secret that could destroy them all.

Filler rating: not filler

This arc sets up a number of long term plot threads, including Bareil's relationship with Kira.

Remarkable scenes

  • The scene with Kira, Odo, Dax, Bashir, O'Brien, Quark, and finally Vedek Bareil. I love all the fast and confusing dialog.
  • Kira's orb experience.
  • Kira: "If you want to change the government, minister Jaro, you vote to change it. You don't sneak up from behind it with a dagger."


The plot thickens with the revelation that the Cardassians are supplying the Circle with weapons. Winn is scheming again and the reason for Kira's reassignment is revealed to be a political maneuver. Sisko's decision to disobey orders and stay aboard the station to fight the political uprising is an interesting twist for his character since the pilot. The focus on the characters preserving their friendships with the Bajorans was a nice acknowledgement of the sadness of being torn apart expressed so eloquently by Jake being prevented from seeing his girlfriend in the last episode. Perhaps the best scene of the episode is when Minister Jarro stands up on the ledge in the hideout like a James Bond villain confessing his evil plot to Kira. Overall though the episode is just dragged out far too long. A faster pace might have improved it somewhat.