Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 2x18 — Profit and Loss


When Quark is reunited with the love of his life, a Cardassian who is now a fugitive, he is ready to sacrifice everything to win her back.

Filler rating: partial filler

Garak's conversation with Toran firmly establishes that Garak was exiled from Cardassia.

Remarkable scenes

  • Garak continuing to avoid Bashir's inquiries into the truth about Garak's past.
  • Garak's meeting with Quark.
  • Sisko accusing Garak of being more than "just a simple tailor."
  • Natima shooting Quark.
  • Natima: "Oh Quark. I've always loved you! Even when I hated you!"
  • Sisko being forced by the Bajorans to turn over their Cardassian guests.
  • Garak's conversation with Toran.
  • Quark begging Odo to let Natima and the others go.
  • Garak confronting Quark, Natima, and the others during their escape.
  • Garak killing Toran.
  • Rules of Acquisition; 223. (Quark is interrupted before he can cite it.)
  • Morn appearances; 1. At the bar in the scene where Odo confronts Quark about the prospect of Quark procuring a cloaking device.


This is a very strange and entertaining episode with regards to Quark. It's difficult to accept Quark actually fell in true love with Natima to the point where profit (almost?) stopped mattering. But that's what fuels the greatness of this rather unusual story because as unbelievable in theory it is, it is portrayed absolutely convincingly. The story portrays two parallel plots; Quark's love for Natima and Garak's love for the state which exiled him. Garak's presence always enhances an episode; the combination of Quark's unusual behavior and Garak's involvement make this rather dry plot quite a bit better than it should have been.