Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 2x15 — Paradise


Sisko and O'Brien are stranded on a planet inhabited by a colony of humans who have rejected any form of technology.

Filler rating: bad filler

There's no essential plot or exposition in this episode that renders it unskippable.

Remarkable scenes

  • O'Brien talking about how he discovered his talents.
  • Alixus justifying trying to "buy" Sisko's loyalty with sexual favors.
  • Dax's "rope trick" with the tractor beam.
  • Sisko crawling back into the penalty box rather than sacrifice his uniform.
  • The engineer guy voluntarily letting himself get knocked out by O'Brien.
  • O'Brien phasering out Sisko.


A colony of luddites dominated by a meglomaniac dicatator with brainwashed followers. Not my favorite topic to address in Star Trek, but certainly an interesting and memorable episode. By the end of the episode all I wanted was to see O'Brien phaser Alixus. Her misguided philosophy of life was just annoying. But Sisko's and O'Brien's resolve against her makes the episode nicely watchable. The biggest problem with the story though is the narrative tries to paint Alixus as vaguely sympathetic at the end and it just doesn't play at all. She beams off the planet acting as though she martyred herself for a great cause and the episode itself seems to imply that in some small way she had. What's worse is none of the colonists are at all outraged by her ten years of deception; in fact they actively defend her actions! I can't help but feel a certain touch of Stockholm Syndrome coming from those poor colonists in the ending, though you'd think at least a few of them would have been outraged enough to want to leave on the spot.