Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 2x10 — Sanctuary


Kira is torn when a displaced alien race arrives on Deep Space Nine and claims Bajor as its people's legendary homeland.

Filler rating: bad filler

This is the second episode to mention the Dominion. Haneek claims that the race which conquered hers was conquered by the Dominion. This, however, is minor trivia. And the episode is so annoying that it's worth skipping over this material and missing the trivia in the process.

Remarkable scenes

  • The universal translator failing in the beginning.
  • Haneek and Kira discussing the horrible dress.
  • The Bajoran minister and Vedek carefully explaining their reasons for denying the Skreeans' request to immigrate to Bajor.
  • Jake trying to be nice to the Skreeans.
  • The Bajorans accidentally killing the Skreean attempting to land on Bajor.
  • Haneek's final words with Kira.
  • Morn appearances; 1. Watching the Bajoran play music in Quark's bar. He cries to Varani's playing. 2. Window shopping on the promenade. 3. At the bar when Varani plays for the Skreeans.


I like the beginning of this episode when the universal translator failed. It's nice to see the technology isn't infallible! Their race's language is too different for it! The issue of a group of people wanting to immigrate to Bajor is interesting, but could have been handled better. The Skreeans demanding to immigrate to Bajor despite a major famine on the planet and despite the fact that Draylon II was more than adequate for the Skreean's needs was incredibly obnoxious. I lost all of my sympathy for the Skreeans very quickly when they started getting belligerent and angry that they couldn't live on Bajor. The climax of absurdity is Kira's final scene with Haneek. The way Haneek walks off the station feeling all smug and superior is total madness. The way it's presented, I think the authors of the episode meant to have us feel some moral ambiguity but there is absolutely none. The Skreeans' request was totally unreasonable. The whole episode reminds me of an irrational kindergarten fight over a toy. Skreeans: "We want your planet." Bajorans: "Sorry, we can't give you that." Skreeans: "No, we want your planet." Bajorans: "How about this other planet? It looks like a better match for you guys anyway and you can have the whole thing to yourselves!" Skreeans: "No, we want your planet." Bajorans: "Err... okay yeah we're not doing that." Skreans, indignantly: "Well screw you then!" Astounding.