Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 2x01 — The Homecoming


Kira risks her life, and war with the Cardassians, to rescue a mythical Bajoran hero from a distant prison colony.

Filler rating: not filler

This arc sets up a number of long term plot threads, including Bareil's relationship with Kira.

Remarkable scenes

  • Odo unable to explain Quark helping him crack a case.
  • Quark visiting Kira's quarters.
  • Sisko and Jake talking about Jake's first date.
  • Dax one step ahead of Sisko in their conversation about whether or not to give Kira the runabout.
  • Kira making up a high ranking Cardassian to fool the border police.
  • Gul Dukat's mysterious cooperative mood.
  • Quark being tagged by the terrorists.
  • Li Nalas telling his story to Sisko.
  • Sisko trying to convince Nalas to be the symbol Bajor needs, even if he's not a great leader at heart.
  • Rules of Acquisition; 76. Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies.


More Bajoran politics. Kira's successful mission to Cardassia IV to rescue Li Nalas was lots of fun, especially with Dukat's odd cooperation. The characters of Li Nalas and Minister Jarro were quite compelling overall. Li Nalas' desire to stay out of the spotlight and Minister Jarro's desire to use the spotlight to his own political advantage were a nice counterpoint. Likewise Jake's failed attempt to go out with his Bajoran girlfriend was a touching way to put a human face on an abstract political struggle. Jarro's abrupt reassignment of Kira was a nice cliffhanger; demonstrating that there's more to Jarro than meets the eye. I feel like stories like this fleshing out Bajoran politics are what should have filled out the first season, but oh well. At least we're getting it now.