Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x08 — Dax


Curzon Dax, Jadzia's former Trill identity, is accused of murder.

Filler rating: bad filler

Unless you're dying to see the first episode to mention Raktajino, there's nothing terribly notable in this one.

Remarkable scenes

  • Bashir flirting with Dax again.
  • Kira and Sisko finding a political loophole to keep Dax on board.
  • Odo blackmailing Quark into cooperation.
  • The arbiter. She's hilarious.
  • Sisko making an entirely bias argument in Dax' favor.
  • Odo interrogating Enina Tandro.
  • Arbiter: "Lieutenant Dax, you are either 200 years older than I am or you're about the same age as my great granddaughter. At first I wondered which of those you were. But now I am bothered by the likelihood that you may be both."
  • Enina Tandro showing up and admitting the embarrassing truth at the hearing, proving Dax' innocence.
  • Morn appearances; 1. When Sisko and Odo are walking on the Promenade, just after Odo blackmails Quark into cooperation; 2. Can be seen behind Quark as the hearing is beginning.


I don't particularly like this one. It seems a failed attempt to reproduce TNG: The Measure of a Man. For one, we don't know Dax well enough yet to care very much. Second, the legal grounds for extradition in this episode are pretty damn solid. Sisko was defending her blindly. He didn't care if Dax was a murderer or not; he was going to save her either way. In that respect, it's good that Dax did end up being innocent for the sake of future stories. That said, I enjoyed hearing details of Curzon and Sisko's history. Really, the whole purpose of this episode was just an excuse to develop Dax' character though. Unfortunately, Dax acted like an idiot the whole time. Her blind sense of honor almost got her killed.