Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x06 — Captive Pursuit


Through a new friendship with a bizarre alien, O'Brien and the rest of the officers of Deep Space Nine learn that other beings do not respect life as much as they do.

Filler rating: good filler

There's no essential plot or exposition in this episode that renders it unskippable, but it's a decent episode, even though it could have been better.

Remarkable scenes

  • Sisko discussing Miss Sadra's grievance with her.
  • Tosk's funny accent and behavior.
  • Odo refusing to use a phaser.
  • Tosk to Quark: "I live the greatest adventure one could ever desire."
  • The hunter's opening lines belittling Tosk.
  • Tosk to O'Brien: "I am Tosk. The hunted. I live to outwit the hunters for another day. To survive until I die with honor."
  • Quark to O'Brien: "More trouble with the little woman?" A reference to DS9: A Man Alone when Quark overheard his conversation with Keiko.
  • O'Brien regarding the hunter: "Glass jaw. Now I know why you wear a helment."
  • Sisko "officially" chastising O'Brien for his conduct, but secretly admiring him.
  • Morn appearances; 1. Quark's Bar as O'Brien and Tosk stop at the entrance; 2. Quark's Bar, can be seen in the background with his back to the camera when Quark tries to cheer up O'Brien.


Our first look at life on the other side of the wormhole depicts a xenophobic and arrogant gamma quadrant. Some highlights: Odo's handling of Tosk's minor crime aboard the station was great. Odo isn't always the "ill tempered old crosspatch" Quark would have us believe. More interesting is O'Brien's role in the story. First O'Brien makes friends with Tosk, then he tries stick up for Tosk to Sisko, then he feels responsible for him, then he helps him escape. Notable as well is Sisko's subtle hint to O'Brien that he completely respects the judgment call he made, even though he officially chewed him out. Finally, Tosk himself was a great character who was played wonderfully by the actor. The accent was especially pleasing.