Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x03 — Past Prologue


A reunion with a member of the Bajoran underground forces Kira to choose between her people and her duty as a Federation officer.

Filler rating: not filler

This episode shouldn't be skipped because it's Garak's introductory episode.

Remarkable scenes

  • Garak imposing himself on Bashir.
  • Garak to Bashir: "What a thoughtful young man. How nice that we've met!"
  • Garak: "Ah, an open mind. The essence of intellect!"
  • Bashir's reaction to having met Garak, then talking to the senior staff like an excited child.
  • Sisko to O'Brien: "When Gul Dunar docks, it'd be nice if there were a few docking regulations to keep him outside a while."
  • Sisko and Kira chewing each other out.
  • Kira going over Sisko's head, discussing his actions with an admiral.
  • O'Brien hinting at the Cardassian torture techniques to Sisko... additionally hinting that he wouldn't turn over anyone to the Cardassians, no matter what the crimes.
  • Dunar complaining about the manufactured docking procedures.
  • Tahna complaining about the Federation presence in Bajor.
  • The Duras sisters showing up on the station.
  • Odo: "We have specific regulations. You can leave your weapons or leave the station. Your choice. Please make it now." B'Etor: "Who are you?" Odo: "I'm the one giving you the choice."
  • Odo trying to convince Sisko to let him lock up the Duras sisters summarily.
  • Garak: "Join me doctor. Enhance my evening!"
  • Garak trying to give Bashir subtle hints regarding the Duras' sisters malicious intents.
  • Odo spying on the Duras' sisters using his shape shifting abilities.
  • Sisko to Kira: "Go over my head again and I'll have yours on a platter."
  • Garak negotiating with the Duras' sisters.
  • Garak trying to give Bashir more subtle hints.
  • Bashir to Garak: "I'm a doctor--" then he gets interrupted. Bashir was probably going to say something like, "I'm a doctor, not a spy!" A tribute to McCoy's many famous "I'm a doctor, not a (something)!" lines.
  • Bashir seeking advice from Sisko regarding Garak.
  • Bashir eavesdropping on Garak's conversation with the Duras sisters.
  • Bashir realizing Garak's purpose for the "new suit."
  • Tahna hitting Kira. Ouch! That looks like it hurt!
  • Morn appearances; 1. Passes by Kira and Sisko while they argue; 2. Can be seen on the upper level of the Promenade when Odo confronts the Duras Sisters; 3. Quark's bar while the Duras sisters are there "just sitting."


An episode where no one knows who to trust. Kira, Tahna, Sisko, the Duras sisters, Garak, and Bashir all trying to push their own agenda. This makes for an interesting political episode, especially with regards to its placement directly after DS9: Emissary, which hints to this kind of political unrest is inevitable. Garak, however, stole the show. Cardassian spy? Probably, but we don't know. One thing's for sure though. He's highly entertaining!