Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x20 — In The Hands of the Prophets


A Bajoran spiritual leader threatens to destroy the alliance between Bajor and the Federation.

Filler rating: not filler

This is the first episode to feature Winn, a character who will become increasingly important throughout the series.

Remarkable scenes

  • Keiko appearance.
  • Keiko defending herself against Vedek Winn's religious zealotry.
  • Vedek Winn stating that she told Kai Opaka that she would do anything to look into the eyes of her gods.
  • Jake talking to his father about the parallels between Galileo and the current situation.
  • Vedek Bareil: "I'm sorry commander. The Vedek assembly will not see you." Sisko: "Why not?" Vedek Bareil: "Some fear you as the symbol of the Federation they view as godless. Some fear you as the emissary who walked with the prophets. And some fear you because Vedek Winn told them to."
  • Sisko's speech about DS9 as a symbol of successful cooperation between the Federation and Bajor.
  • Kira: "I envy Vedek Winn because she's a true believer."
  • Rules of Acquisition; 7. Keep your ears open.
  • Morn appearances; 1. Passes by Keiko and Miles in the first Jumja scene. 2. Passes by Keiko and Miles in the second Jumja scene when the vendor refuses to sell to them. 3. Keiko and Miles walk by him as they leave the uncooperative vendor. 4. In the crowd when the school explodes. 5. In the crowd when Vedek Bareil arrives on the station.


This is the expected outcome of the premise of this show. The Bajorans are a spiritual people, deeply held in their beliefs. The old Kai was essentially killed earlier in the season, and a replacement is now necessary. Finally, an episode that outlines the political structure of Bajoran society was definitely something that needed to happen. Expectations are of couse satisfied, but as a season finale it leaves much to be desired. DS9 has gotten off to a very slow start. But what this episode lacks in excitement it makes up for in its message. I'm very fond of the religious issue and how it's handled. I like Sisko's conversation with his son about how since the wormhole aliens are indeed powerful supernatural aliens with technology and abilities far beyond the understanding of either the Federation or Bajor that they could easily be interpreted as gods. Or that their abilities to see beyond linear time could easily make them prophets. I like the look on Winn's face when Kira accuses her of attempted murder. The look screams of "damn, my plan failed." She then just walks off in disgust. A fine episode, if not a particularly good season finale. I feel like we should have gotten more stuff like this throughout the first season.