Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x18 — Dramatis Personae


Odo is caught in the middle when an alien influence pits Kira against Sisko in a deadly struggle for control of the station.

Filler rating: bad filler

Unless you're dying to see where the hell that clock on Sisko's desk came from, there's nothing terribly notable in this one.

Remarkable scenes

  • Odo: "How am I?" Bashir: "How do you feel?" Odo: "Fine." Bashir: "Good. Because I have no way to know. Your body chemestry defies analysis."
  • The crew starting to act... weird.
  • Kira attacking Quark.
  • Odo manipulating Bashir.
  • Morn appearances; 1. Behind Quark when he serves Jadzia her drink.


This episode is largely pointless. It may have been more interesting if it had aired earlier in the season; Kira's loyalties are hardly in question anymore. What's more, the whole episode is an excuse to get the characters acting completely out of character without much of a reason. The only redeeming quality of this episode is how Odo saves the day, by manipulating both sides. He was the perfect man for that job and he did the job well. It was certainly entertaining to watch Odo bring the station back to order, but unfortunately the episode comes off as being little more than another hour of filler.