Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x16 — If Wishes Were Horses


When members of the station find their fantasies coming to life, it becomes the prelude to a very real danger which threatens everyone.

Filler rating: bad filler

There's no essential plot or exposition in this episode that renders it unskippable and while the story has a few charming moments, it's mostly terrible.

Remarkable scenes

  • Julian trying to seduce Jadzia again.
  • Keiko appearance.
  • Molly professing that Rumplestiltskin is in her room and the look on O'Brien's face when he actually sees him there.
  • Julian's first meeting with fake Jadzia.
  • Odo animal herding.
  • Jadzia arguing with herself.
  • Morn appearances; 1. Sitting at a table in the very first scene in the background in Quarks. 2. In the same scene, he seems to have moved to the bar. 3. Walks in front of Odo when Odo tries to get the attention of the people in Quark's.


Another lame filler episode. Some of the Julian and Jadzia scenes are endearing and aliens turning out to be non-hostile is a nice change of pace, but the insufferable goofiness of the story overrides what few charming moments there are.