Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x15 — Progress


A stubborn old Bajoran farmer forces Kira to take a good look at how much she has changed since her alliance with the Federation.

Filler rating: bad filler

Unless you're dying to see the first episode to mention self-sealing stem bolts and Cardassian Yamok Sauce, there's nothing terribly notable in this one.

Remarkable scenes

  • Jadzia discussing Morn asking her out with Kira. Jadzia thinks Morn's few wiry hairs make him look cute.
  • Jake and Nog bartering for profit.
  • Mullibok's insistence on calling Kira a girl, getting her all mad.
  • Mulibok's exaggerated stories about how he colonized the moon.
  • Mullibok: "The Cardassians probably told you you didn't stand a chance either. Did you surrender?" Kira: "No." Mullibok: "Why do you expect me to act any different than you?"
  • Jake and Nog trying to figure out what self-sealing stem bolts are.
  • Bashir "requesting" Kira stay on the planet.
  • Kira's nasty old tree analogy.
  • Kira destroying Mullibok's home.
  • Morn appearances; 1. Seen talking to someone as Jake and Nog talk to the Lissepian captain on the Promenade. 2. Sitting on a barstool when Nog walks into Quark's. 3. Sitting at bar while Odo and Quark talk about Nog and Jake's land.


For once, Jake and Nog's childish exploits are entertaining; I particularly enjoyed the "self sealing stem bolts" gag. The "stem bolts" are basically one big joke about Star Trek technobabble. Everyone insists on using the term so accurately ("they're not just stem bolts, they're self sealing stem bolts!") but you never find out exactly what they do. None of the characters even know! Unfortunately the main plot of the episode is less well made. A story about a luddite is a good premise and Mullibok's dynamic with Kira is good fun and all, but the whole premise of the episode suffers from a number of problems. First of all the idea that Bajor could have a habitable moon as depicted isn't realistic. Second of all, even assuming that hard to rationalize premise, it's profoundly irresponsible for Bajor's government to ruin such a rare freak of nature by destroying it just to extract some energy to heat some homes. Finally, it's mentioned that there is a slower energy extraction method that wouldn't destroy the moon's environment. Seriously, why not use that instead? Can't they find another energy source in the mean time to heat some homes with? The whole plot just defies common sense.