Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x14 — The Storyteller


Against his will, O'Brien becomes spiritual leader of a Bajoran village and the only one who can save them from a destructive energy force.

Filler rating: bad filler

There's no essential plot or exposition in this episode that renders it unskippable and while the story has a few charming moments, it's mostly terrible.

Remarkable scenes

  • O'Brien trying to avoid Bashir in the teaser.
  • Bashir trying to be friendly with O'Brien.
  • Quark offending yet another woman.
  • Odo taking pleasure in ordering the kids to stop dangling over the Promenade.
  • Rules of Acquisition; 9. Opportunity + Instinct = Profit!
  • Morn Appearances; 1. Quark is talking to him as Kira enters his bar. 2. Crosses the Promenade with a jumja stick, as Jake and Nog walk by.


Another weak DS9 episode. The only thing I like about it is the interplay between Bashir and O'Brien. The major problem with this episode is the sheer ridiculousness of a single village of Bajorans who must fight off a monster every so often. The idea that it was needed to create unity at one time is convincing, but the idea that it must be done routinely to maintain unity is just lunacy.