Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x13 — Battle Lines


Sisko, Kira, and Bashir are stranded on a war-torn world where it is impossible for the combatants to die.

Filler rating: partial filler

As much as I hate to recommend such a terrible episode, if you don't watch this episode, you may find yourself wondering where the hell Kai Opaka went at the end of the season when they're holding elections for the next Kai.

Remarkable scenes

  • Kira's reaction to her "disappointing" file and feeling "under-appreciated."
  • Sisko taking the Kai through the wormhole simply to indulge her.
  • Bashir: "I've discovered we can't afford to die here. Not even once."
  • Morn appearances; 1. Walks by with a bag on his shoulder when Sisko and Bashir are discussing the Kai in the teaser.


I don't like this one. This episode is a complete waste of a great character, Kai Opaka. A completely unfitting end for a character who was never given a chance to develop. The implications of the nanites which can apparently end permanent death are never sufficiently explored, nor is it ever explained how the nanites are supposed to resurrect someone who is vaporized by a phaser or something. And worse yet, the people of the planet are shown as nothing but mindless savages who Opaka is supposed to begin life anew with and somehow bring together these bitter enemies. Most of these concepts have been explored better elsewhere, and nothing particularly remarkable happens in this episode.