Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x01 — Emissary, Part I


On a distant outpost at the edge of the final frontier, an untested crew embarks on an unprecedented journey.

Filler rating: not filler

Not filler by virtue of being the pilot.

Remarkable scenes

  • Seeing Sisko as first officer of the Saratoga fighting the Borg.
  • Viewing the destruction of the Saratoga from the escape pod.
  • The first sight of DS9, orbiting Bajor.
  • The DS9 intro, my favorite of all the Star Trek intros.
  • O'Brien and Sisko discussing the poor state of the station.
  • O'Brien asking Sisko if he had ever served with Bajoran women. O'Brien remembered how feisty Ro Laren could get. ;)
  • Kira's adversarial first meeting with Sisko.
  • Odo's first scene; a shape shifter!
  • Odo's first line to Sisko: "Who the hell are you?"
  • Picard: "Have we met before?" Sisko: "Yes sir, we've met in battle."
  • Picard disturbed, trying to ignore Sisko's angry attitude.
  • Quark complaining that he can't run his establishment under Federation rules, and Sisko telling Quark that he'll bend the rules because the station is owned by Bajor, not the Federation.
  • Sisko's meeting with the Kai. Opaka: "Ironic. One who does not wish to be among us is to be the Emissary."
  • Sisko's first orb experience, freaking out about meeting his wife again for the first time.
  • Jennifer: "Do you use this routine a lot with women?" Sisko: "No. Never before. And never again."
  • Opaka's confidence in Sisko.
  • Bashir's first scene... trying to seduce Jadzia.
  • Sisko's first discussion with Dax.
  • Bashir's faux pas with Kira.
  • Sisko's first use of the nickname "old man" for Dax.
  • Dax having an orb experience, flashbacking to Curzon's death.
  • Dukat's first scene.
  • Dax discovering the wormhole.
  • Odo sneaking aboard the Cardassian shp, as the bag for the Cardassians' game winnings.
  • The first sighting of a runabout class vessel.
  • Morn appearances; 1. When Sisko enters Quark's Bar for the first time. 2. gambling with the Cardassians at the Dabo table. 3. In the crowd Odo is moving when the station is attacked.


Probably the most remarkable first episode for a Star Trek series ever. This is a complex episode with oodles of internal continuity and nice small details. It opens with an absolutely stunning flashback scene of Sisko fighting the Borg as first officer of the Saratoga, in which Sisko's wife, Jennifer dies. There are some small things I liked a lot about this scene. The whole scene was perfectly tied into the look and feel of TNG. They could have inserted the whole scene into TNG: The Best of Both Worlds and it would have fit in seamlessly. That said, this episode plays well into modern (season 6) TNG as well, since it picks up on the story displayed in TNG: Chain of Command. Cardassia has withdrawn from Bajor, and they need help from the Federation. So Sisko is assigned to take command of the ore processing slave labor station in orbit of the planet, which they planned to convert to a center of interplanetary operations to oversee the rebuilding of Bajoran society. Since the station is under Federation control, despite now being owned by the Bajorans, it has been designated Federation Deep Space Station 9, or Deep Space 9. This premise is complex, but not overly so. Additionally, the smaller TNG continuity bits are great. O'Brien gets promoted to Chief of Operations of DS9, so both O'Brien and Keiko move the DS9 show on which O'Brien becomes a main character! Also, Sisko's confrontation with Picard adds some flare to the episode. Finally, this episode ends with a marvelous cliffhanger; Sisko trying to investigate the Celestial Temple on behalf of the Bajorans. But to do so he must elude the maliciously close-by Cardassians.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x02 — Emissary, Part II


On a distant outpost at the edge of the final frontier, an untested crew embarks on an unprecedented journey.

Filler rating: not filler

Not filler by virtue of being the pilot.

Remarkable scenes

  • Odo crashing the Cardassian ship's computers.
  • O'Brien getting the Cardassian computer to work by kicking it.
  • Sisko and Dax' first trip through the wormhole.
  • Sisko's first meeting with the prophets.
  • Moving DS9.
  • O'Brien getting in a fight with the computer.
  • O'Brien: "Computer, you and I need to have a little talk."
  • Odo: "Doctor, in my experience, most people wouldn't know reason if it walked up and shook their hand."
  • O'Brien mentioning his participation in the border wars to Bashir.
  • Morn appearances; while Odo is evacuating everyone to safer parts of the station.
  • The special effects used in the battle with the Cardassians were quite good.
  • The Rio Grande towing Dukat's ship back through the wormhole.
  • Sisko treating Picard better in his second conversation with him.
  • Kira to Quark: "If you don't take that hand off my hip, you'll never be able to raise a glass with it again."
  • Morn appearances; 1. In background when Sisko is reunited with Jake; 2. In the background in the last shot.


This episode is a fine sequel to the first part, but it suffers from the scenes with the prophets being far too lengthy. That, and all the great fun trivia and whatnot was all introduced in the first part. So the second part is merely a conclusion to the plot of the first. In the end, we're left with a nice premise for the show. In particular, the wide cast of characters is exceptional. I'm most fond of Commander Sisko. He's not as cowboyish as Kirk was, but he's not as rigid and stuck up as Picard is. Kind of the best of both worlds. Other notable highlights are Odo and Quark. The interplay between them is fun. Even in the first episode, DS9 is competently able to make use of a vast set of characters and complex plots, setting the stage for a stellar new Star Trek show.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x03 — Past Prologue


A reunion with a member of the Bajoran underground forces Kira to choose between her people and her duty as a Federation officer.

Filler rating: not filler

This episode shouldn't be skipped because it's Garak's introductory episode.

Remarkable scenes

  • Garak imposing himself on Bashir.
  • Garak to Bashir: "What a thoughtful young man. How nice that we've met!"
  • Garak: "Ah, an open mind. The essence of intellect!"
  • Bashir's reaction to having met Garak, then talking to the senior staff like an excited child.
  • Sisko to O'Brien: "When Gul Dunar docks, it'd be nice if there were a few docking regulations to keep him outside a while."
  • Sisko and Kira chewing each other out.
  • Kira going over Sisko's head, discussing his actions with an admiral.
  • O'Brien hinting at the Cardassian torture techniques to Sisko... additionally hinting that he wouldn't turn over anyone to the Cardassians, no matter what the crimes.
  • Dunar complaining about the manufactured docking procedures.
  • Tahna complaining about the Federation presence in Bajor.
  • The Duras sisters showing up on the station.
  • Odo: "We have specific regulations. You can leave your weapons or leave the station. Your choice. Please make it now." B'Etor: "Who are you?" Odo: "I'm the one giving you the choice."
  • Odo trying to convince Sisko to let him lock up the Duras sisters summarily.
  • Garak: "Join me doctor. Enhance my evening!"
  • Garak trying to give Bashir subtle hints regarding the Duras' sisters malicious intents.
  • Odo spying on the Duras' sisters using his shape shifting abilities.
  • Sisko to Kira: "Go over my head again and I'll have yours on a platter."
  • Garak negotiating with the Duras' sisters.
  • Garak trying to give Bashir more subtle hints.
  • Bashir to Garak: "I'm a doctor--" then he gets interrupted. Bashir was probably going to say something like, "I'm a doctor, not a spy!" A tribute to McCoy's many famous "I'm a doctor, not a (something)!" lines.
  • Bashir seeking advice from Sisko regarding Garak.
  • Bashir eavesdropping on Garak's conversation with the Duras sisters.
  • Bashir realizing Garak's purpose for the "new suit."
  • Tahna hitting Kira. Ouch! That looks like it hurt!
  • Morn appearances; 1. Passes by Kira and Sisko while they argue; 2. Can be seen on the upper level of the Promenade when Odo confronts the Duras Sisters; 3. Quark's bar while the Duras sisters are there "just sitting."


An episode where no one knows who to trust. Kira, Tahna, Sisko, the Duras sisters, Garak, and Bashir all trying to push their own agenda. This makes for an interesting political episode, especially with regards to its placement directly after DS9: Emissary, which hints to this kind of political unrest is inevitable. Garak, however, stole the show. Cardassian spy? Probably, but we don't know. One thing's for sure though. He's highly entertaining!

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x04 — A Man Alone


Security Chief Odo's character is questioned when he is implicated in the murder of a shady Bajoran.

Filler rating: partial filler

The main plot is filler, but the O'Brien / Keiko subplot sets up a long term arc so the context established in this episode is useful, though not essential.

Remarkable scenes

  • Bashir trying to seduce Jadzia again.
  • Keiko appearance.
  • Odo being a fascist prick.
  • Jake's first meeting with Nog.
  • Odo realizing that he'd been set up.
  • Rom appearance.
  • Quark and Odo bickering.
  • Sisko: "Care for lunch?" Bashir, not realizing Sisko wasn't talking to him: "Sure!" Dax: "No, thank you."
  • Odo: "Killing your own clone is still murder."
  • Keiko's first day as a teacher.
  • Morn appearances; 1. On the Promenade while Odo and Quark are talking, before Odo freaks out at the stranger; 2. Can be seen while O'Brien and Keiko attempt to resolve their argument on the Promenade; 3. Can be seen on the Promenade when Odo goes to his office; 4. Odo sits next to him when he sits at the bar. Everyone, including Morn, leaves when he sits down; 5. Morn was also in the mob outside Odo's office.


A man with a grudge against Odo clones himself, then murders his clone so that everyone will draw the conclusion that the only man who could have committed the murder was Odo, because his DNA would be at the scene of the crime due to the fact that he was the first investigator on scene. This is a somewhat overcomplex and slightly weak premise, but it works. The more emphasized plot regarding the Odo angst in this episode is a little more interesting. Unfortunately the mob mentality of this episode is silly and hard to believe.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x05 — Babel


A mysterious epidemic sweeps over Deep Space Nine, and Kira must find an antidote.

Filler rating: good filler

There's no essential plot or exposition in this episode that renders it unskippable, but it's a decent episode, even though it could have been better.

Remarkable scenes

  • The chief's bad day; feeling overwhelmed by people's demands.
  • Sisko: "Chief! I thought you were going to fix the replicator!" O'Brien: "You're absolutely right sir, I knew I'd forgotten something. Can't have the operations chief sitting around daydreaming when there's work to be done, can we? Hohohoho... I'll get right on it!"
  • Odo picking on Quark.
  • O'Brien starting to talk funny.
  • Dax: "I'd forgotten what it was like." Kira: "What what was like." Dax: "Being female. I haven't been one in over 80 years."
  • O'Brien speaking jibberish.
  • Dax talking jibberish.
  • Random crewmembers speaking jibberish.
  • Odo discovering Quark was making unauthorized use of crew quarters replicators. Quark: "How did did you figure it out?" Odo: "You claimed Rom fixed your replicator. Rom's an idiot. He couldn't fix a straw if it were bent." Completely untrue, as we later learn Rom is somewhat autistic. But Odo's hunch had merit.
  • Jake talking jibberish.
  • Bashir succumbing to the disease.
  • Kira kidnapping the good doctor and infecting him.
  • Sisko talking jibberish.
  • Quark coming to Odo's aid and teasing him.
  • Sisko's coffee in the end burning him again.
  • Morn appearances; 1. In Quark's Bar when Quark talks to Dax and Kira; 2. in Quark's Bar when Odo goes in to ask Quark about the the quarantine.


While a fatal-virus-infects-the-crew episode seems a bit abrupt this early in the show, it nevertheless makes for some entertaining viewing. Everybody speaking jibberiish is great. See if you can repeat a few of those lines to some of your friends mid conversation, it will get you some funny looks. Horseback green undertow in the backwater. Sun rising crest between two ducks. Appalling nature exacts vast insurgency. Oh what fun. Who doesn't like a good word salad?

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x06 — Captive Pursuit


Through a new friendship with a bizarre alien, O'Brien and the rest of the officers of Deep Space Nine learn that other beings do not respect life as much as they do.

Filler rating: good filler

There's no essential plot or exposition in this episode that renders it unskippable, but it's a decent episode, even though it could have been better.

Remarkable scenes

  • Sisko discussing Miss Sadra's grievance with her.
  • Tosk's funny accent and behavior.
  • Odo refusing to use a phaser.
  • Tosk to Quark: "I live the greatest adventure one could ever desire."
  • The hunter's opening lines belittling Tosk.
  • Tosk to O'Brien: "I am Tosk. The hunted. I live to outwit the hunters for another day. To survive until I die with honor."
  • Quark to O'Brien: "More trouble with the little woman?" A reference to DS9: A Man Alone when Quark overheard his conversation with Keiko.
  • O'Brien regarding the hunter: "Glass jaw. Now I know why you wear a helment."
  • Sisko "officially" chastising O'Brien for his conduct, but secretly admiring him.
  • Morn appearances; 1. Quark's Bar as O'Brien and Tosk stop at the entrance; 2. Quark's Bar, can be seen in the background with his back to the camera when Quark tries to cheer up O'Brien.


Our first look at life on the other side of the wormhole depicts a xenophobic and arrogant gamma quadrant. Some highlights: Odo's handling of Tosk's minor crime aboard the station was great. Odo isn't always the "ill tempered old crosspatch" Quark would have us believe. More interesting is O'Brien's role in the story. First O'Brien makes friends with Tosk, then he tries stick up for Tosk to Sisko, then he feels responsible for him, then he helps him escape. Notable as well is Sisko's subtle hint to O'Brien that he completely respects the judgment call he made, even though he officially chewed him out. Finally, Tosk himself was a great character who was played wonderfully by the actor. The accent was especially pleasing.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x07 — Q-Less


Frequent U.S.S. Enterprise visitors Q and Vash introduce themselves to the crew of Deep Space Nine, while the officers struggle to save the station from imminent destruction.

Filler rating: good filler

There's no essential plot or exposition in this episode that renders it unskippable, but it's a decent episode, even though it could have been better.

Remarkable scenes

  • Bashir telling the story of his medical finals.
  • Vash and Q appearing.
  • O'Brien explaining what he knows of Vash's relationship with Picard.
  • Vash to Q: "You're arrogant, overbearing, and you think you know everything." Q: "But I do know everything!" Vash: "That makes it even worse!"
  • Quark ignoring the weirdness of being transported about by Q due to his strong desires to do business with Vash.
  • Vash sexually arousing Quark.
  • Q toying with Julian.
  • O'Brien's reaction to seeing Q: "Bloody hell."
  • Q to Sisko: "Is Starfleet penalizing you, or did you actually request such a dismal command?"
  • I like the inside joke about the uniforms. Q: "I like your new tailor." He then magically switches from the TNG uniform to the DS9 uniform. :)
  • The conversation between Quark and Odo regarding Odo eavesdropping on him. Quark: "What were you this time? The table? One of the chairs? The wine bottle!" Odo: "When are you going to realize that you have no secrets from me?" Quark: "I have nothing to hide. I'm selling quality merchandise to select clientele." Odo: "And what makes them so... select." Quark: "They're all ridiculously wealthy. And not too bright." Odo: "I'll never understand this obsession with accumulating material wealth. You spend your entire life plotting and scheming to acquire more and more possessions until your living areas are bursting with useless junk and then you die. Your relatives sell everything and start the cycle all over again." Quark: "Isn't there anything you desire?" Odo: "I have my work. What more do I need?" Quark: "A suit of the finest Andorian silk. A ring of pure sorax! A complete set of Tenaish pottery. How about a latinum plated bucket to sleep in?" Odo seemed tempted by the last one. ;)
  • O'Brien to Q: "O'Brien. From the Enterprise." Q: "Oh yes, weren't you one of the little people?"
  • Q mentioning that the station is "hurtling toward its doom" to the auction crowd.
  • Julian having slept through the whole episode thanks to Q.
  • Morn appearances; 1. Can be seen walking behind Vash and Sisko during their first meeting. 2. Behind Quark when he tries to convince Vash to sell him her artifact at an absurdly low price. 3. In the crowd when Q creates a boxing match between himself and Sisko. 4. In Quark's Bar when Vash is leaving in the end of the episode.


Certainly a bonus to bring back Vash and Q, further tying the series to TNG, yet allowing us to see that it can stand on its own against TNG villains. This episode bears a resemblance to TNG: Encounter at Farpoint. Both episodes featured Q, both episodes featured a trapped alien being exploited, both episodes ended in the release of that alien as a puzzle for the Starfleet crew to solve, and both episodes ended with Q being proven wrong. The repercussions of this episode are of course not as grand as Farpoint's, but it is nevertheless a fun episode, even if it gets annoying waiting for the crew to solve the painfully obvious puzzle at times.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x08 — Dax


Curzon Dax, Jadzia's former Trill identity, is accused of murder.

Filler rating: bad filler

Unless you're dying to see the first episode to mention Raktajino, there's nothing terribly notable in this one.

Remarkable scenes

  • Bashir flirting with Dax again.
  • Kira and Sisko finding a political loophole to keep Dax on board.
  • Odo blackmailing Quark into cooperation.
  • The arbiter. She's hilarious.
  • Sisko making an entirely bias argument in Dax' favor.
  • Odo interrogating Enina Tandro.
  • Arbiter: "Lieutenant Dax, you are either 200 years older than I am or you're about the same age as my great granddaughter. At first I wondered which of those you were. But now I am bothered by the likelihood that you may be both."
  • Enina Tandro showing up and admitting the embarrassing truth at the hearing, proving Dax' innocence.
  • Morn appearances; 1. When Sisko and Odo are walking on the Promenade, just after Odo blackmails Quark into cooperation; 2. Can be seen behind Quark as the hearing is beginning.


I don't particularly like this one. It seems a failed attempt to reproduce TNG: The Measure of a Man. For one, we don't know Dax well enough yet to care very much. Second, the legal grounds for extradition in this episode are pretty damn solid. Sisko was defending her blindly. He didn't care if Dax was a murderer or not; he was going to save her either way. In that respect, it's good that Dax did end up being innocent for the sake of future stories. That said, I enjoyed hearing details of Curzon and Sisko's history. Really, the whole purpose of this episode was just an excuse to develop Dax' character though. Unfortunately, Dax acted like an idiot the whole time. Her blind sense of honor almost got her killed.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x09 — The Passenger


The crew's efforts to thwart a hijack scheme are complicated when a sinister alien criminal hides his consciousness within the brain of someone aboard the station.

Filler rating: good filler

There's no essential plot or exposition in this episode that renders it unskippable, but it's a decent episode, even though it could have been better.

Remarkable scenes

  • Kira complimenting Bashir and Bashir being completely immodest about it.
  • Odo and Quark talking about Dax. Quark: "It's good to want things." Odo: "Even things you can't have?" Quark: "Especially things I can't have."
  • Odo being grilled by a Starfleet security officer about how he does his job.
  • Sisko: "Odo was probably making sure Quark knows we know he knows."
  • Odo's objections to being called "constable."
  • Odo regarding Quark: "I always keep an eye on him."
  • Bashir, disoriented when he woke up aboard the freighter.
  • Kajada murdering her prisoner.
  • Morn appearances; 1. At the bar in the background as Odo and Quark talk about Dax.


A pleasing mystery episode about a man obsessed with preserving his own life even at the expense of other people's. Some highlights are the contention between Odo and the starfleet security officer and the crazed Kajada character hunting her metaphorical whale all episode. I'm not fond of Star Trek's affinity for alien of the week episodes though and the Vantika-inside-Bashir's-body scenes are painfully poorly acted. However, while this isn't the most spectacular episode of Star Trek, it's most certainly decent ride.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x10 — Move Along Home


Quark's attempt at deception toward a newly-encountered alien race places the space station's senior officers in a labyrinth of danger.

Filler rating: bad filler

Nothing to see here. Move along...

Remarkable scenes

  • Sisko laying into Bashir for not packing his dress uniform.
  • Quark after his decidedly negative reaction to the nectar: "One man's priceless is another man's useless!"
  • Kira: "I'm a Bajoran administrator. This is not what I signed up for!"
  • Odo laying into Primmin for letting all the senior staff disappear without noticing.
  • Odo: "And don't call me constable, I'm chief of security!"
  • The hopscotch game with the little girl. Hilarious!
  • Morn appearances; 1. Seen just after the credits rolls walking by the camera. 2. Seen behind Quark and Sisko when they talk just after the credits.


This episode has almost no substance and decidedly manufactured danger. It's completely incredible that there was no real danger; the aliens of the week should have seen that our heroes all thought it was real and pulled the plug, or at least told them they were safe. Instead they just egged on the hysteria. There's no evidence that they somehow needed unwilling participants to enjoy their time in Quark's bar, so the whole story is one giant contrived plot device.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x11 — The Nagus


Quark is suddenly named leader of the Ferengi financial empire, and discovers that he's not only popular, he's now a target for death.

Filler rating: not filler

This episode is a must watch largely for the pivotal character development for Jake, Nog, and Rom. It's also the episode which introduces Grand Nagus Zek and sets up Ferengi interest in doing business with the Gamma quadrant which will be significant later.

Remarkable scenes

  • Zek's "death."
  • Quark's reaction to Rom wanting to take over the bar.
  • Sisko: "Going through my own adolescence was difficult enough. Surviving my son's is going to take a miracle."
  • Dax taking generous helpings of Sisko's dinner.
  • Jake teaching Nog to read.
  • Rom and Grax attempting to execute Quark.
  • Rules of Acquisition; 1. Once you have their money, you never give it back. 6. Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity.
  • Morn appearances; 1. Quark tells him a joke about Andorians at the bar. We hear Morn laugh! 2. Quark shoes him away when he tries to come in during the Ferengi conference. 3. Can be seen on the bottom level during Nog and Jake's argument. 4. Can be seen walking by after Gral threatens Quark. 5. Can be seen in Quark's through the window during the discussion about whether or not to take a Dabo girl. 6. Passes by during Quark and Nog's final conversation regarding the airlock execution stunt.


Introducing the Pope of the Ferengi. The Grand Nagus. This character cements the status of the Ferengi as a wonderfully overly exaggerated representation of American capitalism. You've got to root for Quark for once in his struggle against the greater greed he faces here. And he achieves honest success at that! I also like how Quark held no grudges against Rom for his actions. Indeed, he congratulated him! The most touching detail though is the reaffirming of Jake's and Nog's friendship and seeing it withstand the prejudices of their fathers. All things considered, a fine episode.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x12 — Vortex


An alien criminal from the other side of the wormhole tempts Odo by telling the shape-shifter he can put the changeling in contact with others like himself.

Filler rating: good filler

This is the first episode to mention that Odo's people likely originate from the Gamma Quadrant. It also establishes the character of his people as being distrustful of other species and that their colony is difficult to locate. However while some of this information could be taken as foreshadowing, strictly speaking none of it is essential exposition for proceeding with the story.

Remarkable scenes

  • Quark: "You think the whole galaxy's plotting around you, don't you? Paranoia must run in your species, Odo. Maybe that's why no one has ever seen another shape shifter! They're all hiding!"
  • Odo: "There's no profit in kindness. Your favorite charity is your own profit."
  • Odo luring his pursuer into a trap.
  • Odo releasing his prisoner to the custody of the Vulcans.
  • Morn appearances; 1. Can be seen as the Miradorns walk by in the teaser, back to camera. 2. Odo takes the honor of being the first to refer to Morn by name by pointing him out to Quark.


This is the first episode in which Odo's past is examined. We learn Odo is one of a kind and that he has possible ties to the Gamma quadrant. We also hear the name of his species for the first time: Changeling. While the plot is somewhat meager and strung together from seemingly random elements, the effect is still nicely profound for Odo's character. It's nice to see Odo so curious about his origins and it's nice to see Odo so compassionate to one of his prisoners. All very nice changes of pace for the character.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x13 — Battle Lines


Sisko, Kira, and Bashir are stranded on a war-torn world where it is impossible for the combatants to die.

Filler rating: partial filler

As much as I hate to recommend such a terrible episode, if you don't watch this episode, you may find yourself wondering where the hell Kai Opaka went at the end of the season when they're holding elections for the next Kai.

Remarkable scenes

  • Kira's reaction to her "disappointing" file and feeling "under-appreciated."
  • Sisko taking the Kai through the wormhole simply to indulge her.
  • Bashir: "I've discovered we can't afford to die here. Not even once."
  • Morn appearances; 1. Walks by with a bag on his shoulder when Sisko and Bashir are discussing the Kai in the teaser.


I don't like this one. This episode is a complete waste of a great character, Kai Opaka. A completely unfitting end for a character who was never given a chance to develop. The implications of the nanites which can apparently end permanent death are never sufficiently explored, nor is it ever explained how the nanites are supposed to resurrect someone who is vaporized by a phaser or something. And worse yet, the people of the planet are shown as nothing but mindless savages who Opaka is supposed to begin life anew with and somehow bring together these bitter enemies. Most of these concepts have been explored better elsewhere, and nothing particularly remarkable happens in this episode.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x14 — The Storyteller


Against his will, O'Brien becomes spiritual leader of a Bajoran village and the only one who can save them from a destructive energy force.

Filler rating: bad filler

There's no essential plot or exposition in this episode that renders it unskippable and while the story has a few charming moments, it's mostly terrible.

Remarkable scenes

  • O'Brien trying to avoid Bashir in the teaser.
  • Bashir trying to be friendly with O'Brien.
  • Quark offending yet another woman.
  • Odo taking pleasure in ordering the kids to stop dangling over the Promenade.
  • Rules of Acquisition; 9. Opportunity + Instinct = Profit!
  • Morn Appearances; 1. Quark is talking to him as Kira enters his bar. 2. Crosses the Promenade with a jumja stick, as Jake and Nog walk by.


Another weak DS9 episode. The only thing I like about it is the interplay between Bashir and O'Brien. The major problem with this episode is the sheer ridiculousness of a single village of Bajorans who must fight off a monster every so often. The idea that it was needed to create unity at one time is convincing, but the idea that it must be done routinely to maintain unity is just lunacy.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x15 — Progress


A stubborn old Bajoran farmer forces Kira to take a good look at how much she has changed since her alliance with the Federation.

Filler rating: bad filler

Unless you're dying to see the first episode to mention self-sealing stem bolts and Cardassian Yamok Sauce, there's nothing terribly notable in this one.

Remarkable scenes

  • Jadzia discussing Morn asking her out with Kira. Jadzia thinks Morn's few wiry hairs make him look cute.
  • Jake and Nog bartering for profit.
  • Mullibok's insistence on calling Kira a girl, getting her all mad.
  • Mulibok's exaggerated stories about how he colonized the moon.
  • Mullibok: "The Cardassians probably told you you didn't stand a chance either. Did you surrender?" Kira: "No." Mullibok: "Why do you expect me to act any different than you?"
  • Jake and Nog trying to figure out what self-sealing stem bolts are.
  • Bashir "requesting" Kira stay on the planet.
  • Kira's nasty old tree analogy.
  • Kira destroying Mullibok's home.
  • Morn appearances; 1. Seen talking to someone as Jake and Nog talk to the Lissepian captain on the Promenade. 2. Sitting on a barstool when Nog walks into Quark's. 3. Sitting at bar while Odo and Quark talk about Nog and Jake's land.


For once, Jake and Nog's childish exploits are entertaining; I particularly enjoyed the "self sealing stem bolts" gag. The "stem bolts" are basically one big joke about Star Trek technobabble. Everyone insists on using the term so accurately ("they're not just stem bolts, they're self sealing stem bolts!") but you never find out exactly what they do. None of the characters even know! Unfortunately the main plot of the episode is less well made. A story about a luddite is a good premise and Mullibok's dynamic with Kira is good fun and all, but the whole premise of the episode suffers from a number of problems. First of all the idea that Bajor could have a habitable moon as depicted isn't realistic. Second of all, even assuming that hard to rationalize premise, it's profoundly irresponsible for Bajor's government to ruin such a rare freak of nature by destroying it just to extract some energy to heat some homes. Finally, it's mentioned that there is a slower energy extraction method that wouldn't destroy the moon's environment. Seriously, why not use that instead? Can't they find another energy source in the mean time to heat some homes with? The whole plot just defies common sense.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x16 — If Wishes Were Horses


When members of the station find their fantasies coming to life, it becomes the prelude to a very real danger which threatens everyone.

Filler rating: bad filler

There's no essential plot or exposition in this episode that renders it unskippable and while the story has a few charming moments, it's mostly terrible.

Remarkable scenes

  • Julian trying to seduce Jadzia again.
  • Keiko appearance.
  • Molly professing that Rumplestiltskin is in her room and the look on O'Brien's face when he actually sees him there.
  • Julian's first meeting with fake Jadzia.
  • Odo animal herding.
  • Jadzia arguing with herself.
  • Morn appearances; 1. Sitting at a table in the very first scene in the background in Quarks. 2. In the same scene, he seems to have moved to the bar. 3. Walks in front of Odo when Odo tries to get the attention of the people in Quark's.


Another lame filler episode. Some of the Julian and Jadzia scenes are endearing and aliens turning out to be non-hostile is a nice change of pace, but the insufferable goofiness of the story overrides what few charming moments there are.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x17 — The Forsaken


While an alien entity wreaks havoc with the station's computer, the irrepressible Lwaxana Troi sets her sights for romance with Odo!

Filler rating: partial filler

This is the first episode in which Lwaxana and Odo meet. She only appears in two more episodes, but if you watch any of those two episodes, make sure you see this one first. We get tidbits about Odo's past in this episode. He was discovered and "raised" by a Bajoran scientist. Odo's appearance is designed to mimic that scientist.

Remarkable scenes

  • Sisko handing off the duty of "handling" the ambassadors to Bashir.
  • Lwaxana's appearance. I love how she calls Quark a troll. Good continuity with her previous Ferengi encounters.
  • O'Brien having another fight with the computer. Reminds me a lot of Scotty. :)
  • Bashir: "The 'young woman' over there has over 300 years experience."
  • Lwaxana trying to seduce Odo.
  • Lwaxana's thin beige line line.
  • Odo discussing his "problem" with Sisko.
  • Odo trying to avoid Lwaxana.
  • Kira: "Great. Everything's in working order, but nothing's working!"
  • Lwaxana telling Odo the story of her experiences in TNG: Menage a Troi.
  • Bashir: "Nothing makes them happy. They are dedicated to being unhappy and to spreading that unhappiness wherever they go. They are ambassadors of unhappy!"
  • Sisko taking "perverse pleasure" in giving Bashir this assignment.
  • O'Brien trying to point out the subtle differences in the computer. "A different attitude."
  • O'Brien: "Working with the Enterprise computer was like dancing a waltz. With this computer it's always been like a wrestling match."
  • Odo describing his past.
  • The main cast overloading the computer with commands. O'Brien "building a dog house."
  • Bashir saving the ambassadors.
  • Morn appearances; 1. Can be seen in the background when Bashir is talking to the ambassadors.


This the best episode since the pilot, simply because of the sheer wonderful humor. The alien probe plot thread isn't particularly interesting, but it is original and the way the crew deals with it is greatly entertaining. I most enjoyed the dialog between Lwaxana and Odo toward the end, where they finally begin to connect with one another. Lwaxana then protects Odo from leaking into the active current. Odo rarely places his life in someone else's hands and it's done well here. The thing that makes this episode both nice and unusual compared to other episodes aired so far is its wide use of characters and its number of plot threads. First there's the plot thread about Bashir and his ambassadorial duties. Then there's the plot thread about Lwaxana and Odo. Then there's the plot thread about O'Brien and the computer. Arguably another albeit short plot thread occurs when Sisko splits away from O'Brien to save Bashir from the fire. There's four separate stories going on simultaneously by the end of the episode. A nicely complex story compared to what else has aired so far.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x18 — Dramatis Personae


Odo is caught in the middle when an alien influence pits Kira against Sisko in a deadly struggle for control of the station.

Filler rating: bad filler

Unless you're dying to see where the hell that clock on Sisko's desk came from, there's nothing terribly notable in this one.

Remarkable scenes

  • Odo: "How am I?" Bashir: "How do you feel?" Odo: "Fine." Bashir: "Good. Because I have no way to know. Your body chemestry defies analysis."
  • The crew starting to act... weird.
  • Kira attacking Quark.
  • Odo manipulating Bashir.
  • Morn appearances; 1. Behind Quark when he serves Jadzia her drink.


This episode is largely pointless. It may have been more interesting if it had aired earlier in the season; Kira's loyalties are hardly in question anymore. What's more, the whole episode is an excuse to get the characters acting completely out of character without much of a reason. The only redeeming quality of this episode is how Odo saves the day, by manipulating both sides. He was the perfect man for that job and he did the job well. It was certainly entertaining to watch Odo bring the station back to order, but unfortunately the episode comes off as being little more than another hour of filler.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x19 — Duet


Kira discovers that a Cardassian visiting the station could actually be a notorious war criminal.

Filler rating: not filler

Aside from being one of the best episodes of DS9 in general, this episode is also foreshadowing for the future nuanced, morally ambiguous texture of DS9's overarching story and the ending is a profound moment in the life of Kira's character; beginning her true in-earnest transition from partisan freedom fighter to her eventual significant role in healing the wounds between her people and Cardassia.

Remarkable scenes

  • Kira: "If your lies are going to be this transparent, it's going to be a very short interrogation." Marritza: "Well in that case I'll try to make my lies more opaque."
  • Marritza: "Gul Darhe'el himself called my computer filing system a masterpiece of meticulous exactitude."
  • Dukat: "This Bajoran obsession with alleged Cardassian improprieties during the occupation is really quite distasteful." Sisko: "I suppose if you're Bajoran, so is the occupation."
  • Kira wanting Marritza to be something worse so the punishment can mean more to her.
  • "Gul Darhe'el" reminiscing fondly about his accomplishments. Gloating about the horrors he inflicted.
  • Odo breaking into Quark's private stock to give Kira a free drink!
  • Kira: "Nothing justifies genocide." Gul Darhe'el: "What you call genocide I call a day's work."
  • Marritza's breakdown in the end.
  • Marritza murdered.


This is the best episode so far, superbly acted all across. A truly deeply affected Cardassian, Marritza, feels a profound sadness for what his people did to the Bajorans during the occupation. He served in the Cardassian military, and therefore feels responsible. He never played a major role in the atrocities though, so he pretends to be Gul Darhe'el, the butcher of Gallitep, so that he can let the Bajorans exact satisfying revenge on him. That way he gets personal redemption and in his mind an honorable death and the Bajorans get the satisfaction of putting to death one of their greatest enemies. He's not Darhe'el though, and Kira is forced to toss aside her personal hate and her racism to stop this man from committing suicide for something that really isn't his fault. In the end, the profoundly tragic character is killed by a Bajoran man who represents the person Kira used to be only the day before. There are elements of this story that are contrived, most especially the lack of security at the end setting up Marritza for an easy ambush, but the episode is still a fantastic example of this show at its best.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 1x20 — In The Hands of the Prophets


A Bajoran spiritual leader threatens to destroy the alliance between Bajor and the Federation.

Filler rating: not filler

This is the first episode to feature Winn, a character who will become increasingly important throughout the series.

Remarkable scenes

  • Keiko appearance.
  • Keiko defending herself against Vedek Winn's religious zealotry.
  • Vedek Winn stating that she told Kai Opaka that she would do anything to look into the eyes of her gods.
  • Jake talking to his father about the parallels between Galileo and the current situation.
  • Vedek Bareil: "I'm sorry commander. The Vedek assembly will not see you." Sisko: "Why not?" Vedek Bareil: "Some fear you as the symbol of the Federation they view as godless. Some fear you as the emissary who walked with the prophets. And some fear you because Vedek Winn told them to."
  • Sisko's speech about DS9 as a symbol of successful cooperation between the Federation and Bajor.
  • Kira: "I envy Vedek Winn because she's a true believer."
  • Rules of Acquisition; 7. Keep your ears open.
  • Morn appearances; 1. Passes by Keiko and Miles in the first Jumja scene. 2. Passes by Keiko and Miles in the second Jumja scene when the vendor refuses to sell to them. 3. Keiko and Miles walk by him as they leave the uncooperative vendor. 4. In the crowd when the school explodes. 5. In the crowd when Vedek Bareil arrives on the station.


This is the expected outcome of the premise of this show. The Bajorans are a spiritual people, deeply held in their beliefs. The old Kai was essentially killed earlier in the season, and a replacement is now necessary. Finally, an episode that outlines the political structure of Bajoran society was definitely something that needed to happen. Expectations are of couse satisfied, but as a season finale it leaves much to be desired. DS9 has gotten off to a very slow start. But what this episode lacks in excitement it makes up for in its message. I'm very fond of the religious issue and how it's handled. I like Sisko's conversation with his son about how since the wormhole aliens are indeed powerful supernatural aliens with technology and abilities far beyond the understanding of either the Federation or Bajor that they could easily be interpreted as gods. Or that their abilities to see beyond linear time could easily make them prophets. I like the look on Winn's face when Kira accuses her of attempted murder. The look screams of "damn, my plan failed." She then just walks off in disgust. A fine episode, if not a particularly good season finale. I feel like we should have gotten more stuff like this throughout the first season.