Star Trek: Discovery reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Discovery — 2x15.2 — The Trouble with Edward


Newly minted Captain Lynne Lucero is excited to take command of the U.S.S. Cabot, until she meets Edward Larkin, an ornery scientist who believes he has found a revolutionary new use for tribbles...

Remarkable scenes

  • The ship being destroyed by the tribble overrun.
  • Lucero regarding Edward: "He was an idiot."


While it was nice to see a brand new crew on a brand new ship, this is easily the worst Star Trek "episode" in many years, so much so that it deserves to be struck from canon and ignored forever. Aside from the fact that the details regarding tribble biology and history are hard to reconcile with the rest of canon, the "post-credits" scene (a newer fad in TV/film that we should hope dies a swift death) is obviously pure parody and clearly not intended to even be part of canon to begin with. The rest of the episode isn't much better though. It's basically an episode of Bob's Burgers set in the Star Trek universe, except Edward isn't even remotely as likable as Bob. Edward is awkward, antisocial, reckless, immoral, and vindictive. The narrative expects us to hate him and celebrate his needless death in the end, as though watching obnoxious people win Darwin Awards is somehow in the spirit of Star Trek. It isn't.