Publishing schedule

What new episode guides and reviews are coming?

Several updates to previous reviews as well as new reviews of new shows and new franchises are planned. Below is a rough publishing schedule sorted by the rough order in which it will be published.

Star Trek Logo

New Star Trek Reviews

The top priority is catching up with the most recent episodes of Star Trek Discovery, Strange New Worlds, Picard, Prodigy, and Lower Decks.

Updated Star Trek reviews

All the Star Trek reviews are in the process of being updated with longer, deeper analyses and better, higher resolution screenshots slowly over time. This is being done in air date order, starting with TOS.

Picture of Saturn

New screenshots for Farscape, Firefly, and Battlestar Galactica

High definition screenshots will be uploaded for the Farscape, Firefly, and Battlestar Galactica reviews. The new screenshots will slowly trickle in over time.

The Expanse Logo

The Expanse

Perhaps the most exciting new space opera franchise to date, The Expanse made a big splash. Based on a popular novel series, the TV adaptation draws frequent flattering and well-deserved comparisons to HBO's critically-acclaimed Game of Thrones.

For All Mankind

An alternate history that starts by depicting what would've happened if the Soviet Union landed a man on the moon first, this amazing TV series jumps forward a decade each season, rapidly developing into an incredible space opera series. Feels kinda like a cross between Stargate and The Expanse.

Killjoys Logo


Killjoys is another relatively new space opera show. This charming and at times goofy show is perhaps best compared to Firefly. While quite different in tone from Firefly, the show nevertheless occupies a more whimsical niche within the space opera genre.

Dark Matter Logo

Dark Matter

Dark Matter is yet another relatively new space opera show which aired on Syfy until its cancellation after its second season. Created by the same folks who penned the Stargate franchise, Dark Matter will feel familiar to anyone who enjoyed Stargate SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe.

A handful of films

A collection of space opera films will be written, including reviews of Gravity, The Martian, and Europa Report.

Stargate has had a longtime editorial stance of refusal to review the Stargate franchise due to its infamous premise-undermining English language problem, but due to many requests from readers, the overall popularity of the franchise, and the otherwise high quality of the writing, reviews of the Stargate shows and films are planned now. Note: in order for the reviews to make sense, a headcanon rationalization for the language problem will be provided upfront and (what few) episodes which violate it will be noted in reviews.

Star Wars

Reviews of the various installments of the Star Wars franchise are planned as well. The canon status of all the different things in Star Wars is very complicated, so it will likely be a time-consuming project to properly map it all.

Babylon 5

The ahead-of-its-time iconic 90s space opera Babylon 5 is one of the most requested shows to be reviewed on this site. "Sooner or later, everyone comes to Babylon 5." — Commander Jeffrey Sinclair, The Gathering.


A swiftly-canceled sci-fi show that felt a lot like BSG's Caprica, but set on a somewhat near-future Earth.

Friends of the genre

Recommendations of content in other genres that would appeal to space opera fans are planned as well.

More shows/films

As aspires to provide high quality critical reviews of all things space opera, this list will undoubtedly expand over time.

New site features

Here are some things we're working on for the site itself:

  • Search
  • Next/previous season buttons for each season of each show
  • Chronological episode guides
  • Create custom sorts for reviews
  • Edit/preview user comments
  • Review rating statistics
  • User comment / rating statistics
  • See a user's comment history