Farscape reviews — season 4

Farscape — 4x09 — A Prefect Murder


The crew lands on a planet divided by generations of clan war. After experiencing strange hallucinations, Aeryn is subliminally coerced into assassinating a clan leader. When Crichton also starts having hallucinations, they must uncover the planet's political machinations in order to prevent more killings.

Filler rating: bad filler

No significant exposition, events, or consequences. And a lame episode on top of that.

Remarkable scenes

  • Falaak regarding Aeryn: "Seems a bit moody." John: "Man you should have met her mother."
  • John imitating Scotty from Star Trek.
  • Aeryn revealing that she has no memory of the assassinations.
  • John realizing he was programmed to be the next assassin.
  • The bugs programming John and Aeryn to assassinate each other.


A terribly slow paced episode on alien planet of the week in which our heroes become embroiled in their screwed up politics. As if the dimly executed unoriginal plot wasn't bad enough, add to that almost nothing happens in the entire first half of the episode because the story simply replays the events of the teaser but with more detail. Lame.