Farscape reviews — season 4

Farscape — 4x06 — Natural Election


Crichton correctly predicts a wormhole's appearance near Moya, but simultaneously a giant space plant captures the Leviathan. An attack with D'Argo's ship only succeeds in sending the plant into Moya's conduits, making it even more difficult to kill. Eventually, an agent is found that will repel the plant, but it only exists in Scorpius' cooling rods. In order to save Moya, Crichton will have to place trust in his arch nemesis.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • Moya's crew rotating the role of captain every couple hours.
  • John correctly predicting a wormhole.
  • Aeryn to Chiana regarding John's knowledge of her baby: "What he doesn't know is that it may not be his." And she wasn't talking about the other John, either!
  • D'Argo: "I love shooting things."
  • Noranti: "I know lots of poisons." Sikozu: "Yes. I'm sure you do."
  • Scorpius' cooling rods repelling the plant.
  • D'Argo revealing Aeryn's secret to John.
  • D'Argo's response to Rygel beating himself up for being in command while Moya was attacked by the plant: "There are so many other reasons why you should hate yourself at the moment."
  • The fan room exploding.
  • John: "Does it hurt?" Aeryn: "Mmm-hmm." John: "Where?" Aeryn: "Where it's bleeding."
  • Scorpius breaking free of his restraints and saving the day.
  • Chiana's near miss with the fans.
  • D'Argo getting elected captain.
  • Aeryn revealing the nature of her pregnancy to John.


Space plant monster of the week juxtaposed with some real progress being made in the John and Aeryn relationship plot. The space plant monster was certainly annoying and not necessary, but the plot advancement concerning the relationship makes up for it quite well along with a few other nice details such as John demonstrating an ability to correctly predict wormhole appearances and the crew electing D'Argo as captain.

One of my favorite details of this episode is Aeryn noting that she no longer sees any distinction between the two Johns from season 3. This means the principal issue of the season 3 finale for her has been overcome. Now they just need to get over their trust issues brought on by this withheld pregnancy along with, of course, determine who the father is. Sadly though there is little depth beyond this to explore as the space plant monster dominated most of the story. As such, this episode only works out to being slightly above average.