Farscape reviews — season 4

Farscape — 4x03 — What Was Lost Part II: Resurrection


D'Argo and Sikozu come up with a plan to crash Elack onto the Peacekeeper pursuit craft, facilitating their escape. Crichton is forced to consort further with Grayza to ensure success. When the plan goes awry, the crew begins a search for the probe that will reverse the planet's deadly atmospheric conditions, but a most unexpected enemy stops them in their tracks.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • Rygel predicting that Sikozu will betray them again.
  • John to Grayza regarding Braca interrupting the interrogation session: "Bad news from Smithers?"
  • John attempting to kill Grayza but being unable to will himself to do so.
  • Braca shooting Scorpius.
  • John overcoming Grayza's pheromones and restraining her.
  • Elack crashing into the planet.
  • The old woman throwing Winona over the cliff to motivate John to go after the probe hunter alien.
  • The reassembling of the probe blocking the magnetic summer and unfreezing a group of priests from 12,000 cycles ago at the moment they were frozen.
  • Jool staying on the planet to shepherd the resurrected priests.
  • The old woman revealing her name as Noranti.


While the weird looking aquatic alien plot twist toward the end was an annoying red herring, the rest of the episode achieved a much more solid focus which part one lacked somewhat. I greatly enjoyed John's clever, temporary ability to overcome Grayza's wiles and Elack's heroic death was also most fitting. I'm a bit sad to see Jool left behind; she's leaving right when I was starting to like her. Or at least not hate her.

I also rather enjoyed the ambiguous fate of Scorpius in this episode. By now the series has certainly earned this. I have no doubt that Scorpius survived being buried alive, despite his pleas in vain to Sikozu to save him. I certainly hope this isn't the last we see of Jool and especially the plot exploring the link between her species, John's, and Sebaceans. Overall this episode was a solid improvement over part one.