Farscape reviews — season 3

Farscape — 3x05 — ...Different Destinations


While at a Peacekeeper memorial, Crichton and the crew are pulled back in time into the middle of a great siege between Peacekeepers and the Venek Horde. As they try to stay alive long enough to get back to their own time, they realize that every action is changing the course of history - with devastating effects on the future.

Filler rating: partial filler

This episode is mostly filler, but these events are referenced briefly in a pivotal fourth season episode. The reference is not essential, but it's pretty neat if you've seen this episode.

Remarkable scenes

  • Stark accidentally transporting everyone to the past at the scene of the monumental battle.
  • D'Argo throwing Jool into a wall mistakenly thinking she'll pass through the tear in time and return to their time period.
  • The nurse taking out Grines just as he was about to escape.
  • John summoning up Harvey (in cowboy boots) to chat about what to do.
  • Dacon, just before getting killed: "No, heroes always get killed. I'll be fine!"
  • John, in the midst of the intense battle: "I'm gonna have a heart attack!"
  • Everyone returning to their time only to discover that they doomed the peace after all.


A rather cliched time travel story not unlike what we've seen on Star Trek too many times now except the plot device used to get there is less interesting. Stark's mystic abilities + mystic goggles from the memorial = time travel! As a consequence of the rather deus ex machina plot device, the writers were able to invent as many nonsensical predestination paradoxes they liked to give those still on Moya something to do and of course to give the end of the story some semblance of meaning.

The basic point behind this story is to explore the idea that our heroes making contact with alien civilizations might adversely affect them sometimes so our heroes can learn a lesson about treading more carefully. This is not unlike a Prime Directive episode on Star Trek. The trouble though is that lesson comes through much more clearly in a single exchange of dialog in Suns and Lovers when Borlik had a mistaken impression of the legendary John Crichton's exploits. The simple act of John having to correct her is far more interesting than John accidentally rewriting history on some nameless planet we don't care about.

What does work well in this episode is the delightfully striking contrast between John's and Aeryn's approach toward surviving their peril. There's nothing particularly surprising about their chosen tactics, but it's very in character. One touch I greatly enjoyed was how easily Aeryn blended into the ranks of Peacekeepers from 500 cycles ago. That says a lot about the static nature of Peacekeeper culture. While there's been some advancement in, say, pulse weapons since then, there's little difference at a high level.