Farscape reviews — season 3

Farscape — 3x13 — Scratch 'n' Sniff


Crichton, D'Argo, Chiana and Jool alight on a pleasure planet, LoMo, for some rest and recreation. When Chiana and Jool go missing, Crichton and D'Argo are approached by Raxil, a wily alien with information on their whereabouts. Hoping for help retrieving her own 'mate', Raxil leads them to Fe'tor, a notorious Freslin maker; Freslin being a drug Fe'tor extracts from sentient beings, including his captives, Chiana and Jool.

Filler rating: bad filler

No significant exposition, events, or consequences. And a lame episode on top of that.

Remarkable scenes

  • John: "How can you say that?" D'Argo: "Because it's true. You're exactly like a Sebacean."
  • Jool getting milked.
  • D'Argo encountering Harvey while he and John use the hammerhead alien's tentacles.
  • Raxil revealing that she plotted and schemed John's and D'Argo's involvement in her quest to fell Fe'tor because of their reputation for blowing up a Shadow Depository.
  • D'Argo's remarkable transformation.


Another flop. This episode is basically a repeat of the last one's pointlessness except on Moya instead of Talyn. Annoying aliens of the week, weird directing, and manufactured danger. I'm all for some well executed whimsy, but this wasn't well executed at all.