Quark's Corner interviews Eric Newport
Quark's Corner interviews the founder of SpaceOpera.com (née kethinov.com) Eric Newport where they discuss the old site, its origin story, and how it evolved into SpaceOpera.com.

Content is canon, aesthetics are not: the pitfalls of selective nostalgia
CBS wants to Make Star Trek 2250 Again. But looking at the past with rose-colored glasses, taking the parts they like, and discarding the rest is an intellectually lazy exercise in historical revisionism that consistently delivers poor quality results whether it's applied to politics or to filmmaking.

Captain Picard was full of it: Star Trek's Federation still had plenty of capitalism
People often wonder how the economy could possibly work in Star Trek without money. But the premise of that question is wrong. There was money. The show just didn't like to talk about it much.

What would a better ending for Battlestar Galactica have looked like?
People often ask critics of BSG's ending how would they have ended it instead. Here's a blueprint for the shape of things which should have been.

Imagining a second season of Caprica
It would've been fun to see the start of the first Cylon war and how it rippled across the Graystone and Adama families.

How Caprica could've been saved from the dinosaur cable TV model
The cancellation of Caprica reflects the decreasing sustainability of the cable TV business model. A better, more modern business model could have saved Caprica from cancellation.

The Third Generation of Star Trek: Lost in Nostalgia
The Star Trek franchise should move forward, not backward.

Battlestar Galactica's sloppy continuity and deus ex machina: a retrospective
BSG's sloppy ending greatly diminishes the entire series.

The amazingly improbable nature of the Twelve Colonies
Twelve habitable planets in one star system? Really?