Battlestar Galactica: original series reviews — season 1

Battlestar Galactica: original series — 1x07 — The Long Patrol


While testing out a new ultrafast spaceship, Starbuck loses the ship to a crafty renegade and suddenly finds himself marooned and imprisoned on a mysterious planet where the prisoners serve terms for the crimes of their ancestors.

Remarkable scenes

  • Starbuck regarding the ship he was left with: "It's like trying to fly a museum."
  • The dogfight.


Back to its old ways, BSG 1978 produces an episode full of plot holes and technical problems. Once again, there's a habitable planet... er... well, asteroid found. And gee, it looked like a hunk of airless rock from space to me, but what do I know. Once again the show becomes the adventures of Starbuck or Apollo with the fleet taking a backseat. Once again, we get cookie cutter scenes aboard the Cylon Basestar. Baltar and Lucifer are getting so generic now that they could probably start recycling their plotting and scheming scenes in addition to viper dogfights. The biggest error though is what I've discussed in the problems section. The writers apparently didn't know the difference between a planetary system and a galaxy, and throwing the terms around so loosely makes the episode embarrassing to watch, among other details. I concede an extra point for the nice bits of humor in the episode, however.