Battlestar Galactica: original series reviews — season 1

Battlestar Galactica: original series — 1x22 — Experiment in Terra


The Beings of Light from "War of the Gods" enlist Apollo in an attempt to save Terra from nuclear annihilation at the hands of the Eastern Alliance.

Remarkable scenes

  • The ship of lights appearing.
  • John: "What an excellent idea." In response to Apollo's proposal that his entire conversation with him was a dream.
  • The Galactica taking out the nuclear missiles.


So what is Terra? It is remarkably like Earth, but it is definitely not Earth, according to John. This episode would have been far more interesting if more time had been spent exploring the Terran civilization and showing the audience why it isn't really Earth. Instead, we're supposed to take John's word for it. Saving Terra from nuclear war was an interesting idea for a story, and involving the beings from "War of the Gods" was a clever and welcome continuity connection, but "Experiment in Terra" fails to measure up to its own profound intentions by not staying true to the prior material. Frankly, I have the same problem with this story that I had with "Lost Planet of the Gods." It leaves you feeling empty, when it should have been far more significant to the overall storyline of Galactica.