Battlestar Galactica: original series reviews — season 1

Battlestar Galactica: original series — 1x18 — Murder on the Rising Star


Apollo uncovers a blackmail operation and finds his own life in great danger as he races against time to clear Starbuck, who has been accused of murdering a fellow Viper pilot.

Remarkable scenes

  • The Triad sports game.
  • The evidence mounting against Starbuck.
  • The silly computer scene...
  • Apollo proving Starbuck's innocence.


Quite a bit of mud gets thrown at this episode, but I'm more forgiving. Murder on the Rising Star, while having nothing much at all to do with Galactica's preferred subject matter, is an interesting diversion. A "who did it" murder mystery that's decently executed. The beginning is especially captivating, with the fighting during the Triad game and the mounting evidence against Starbuck; I really believed he had killed him for a while. The ending, however, was fairly weak. While still just as fun to watch, I just simply cannot get over the sheer convenience of events, which leaves me with the impression that this episode wasn't at all thought through very well.